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Garen Build Guide by Gizmo101

Garen the Undying Field General

Garen the Undying Field General

Updated on August 3, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Gizmo101 Build Guide By Gizmo101 2,247 Views 3 Comments
2,247 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Gizmo101 Garen Build Guide By Gizmo101 Updated on August 3, 2011
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Hello everyone and welcome to my build of Garen. This is my very first build so hope to do good. This build to Garen is mostly tanky, but is fun to use.
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Reason for Runes

The reason I choose those runes is because Garen needs CDR(cool down reduction), but you don't wanna sacrifice very many precious items to get it. So with those runes, masteries and yomuu's ghostblade, you will have enough CDR to last you for the game. You also want to get Armor Penetration with Garen. It greatly increases the damage output, especially for judgement as it hits multiple times.
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Reason for Masteries

The reason for my mastery selection is actually quite simple. Garen is a damaging, surviving champ. I choose to get the CDR mastery along with damaging masteries like Armor Penetration and 4% increased dmg. It is also useful to get upgraded ghost and exhaust, as well as bonus experience.
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Using Garen early game. (Lvls 1-5)

As previously stated, Garen is a damaging surviving champ. Right away I choose to get Dorans shield. Alot of people consider that nooby, but that mixed with his passive makes him near impossible to kill early game. Laning as Garen requires you to be cautious. Harass and rack up minion kills with Judgement early game, and recover all the damage you sustained with his passive before you repeat. Keep harassing with Judgement until you get the enemy down to half hp. It is important to focus 1 enemy. When you get them to half hp, walk into the weeds, get behind the enemy if at all possible, activate ghost and decisive strike, hit one them with exhaust, and judgement around them to pick up an easy kill.
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Using Garen mid game (lvls 6-12)

Now it can become tricky, as everyone should have there ults at this point and you need to take that into consideration when you decide who to focus. You want to repeat the previously stated steps, only if they get to 1/3 hp or so during your attack, de activate your Judgement and ult them to pick up a kill. It is very important that you cancel judgement the second they get in Ult killing hp range. Continue to max out judgement. Then max out decisive strike.
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Using Garen late game (lvls 13 to end of game)

Late game when everyone is getting items and you rely more on team fights than laning is when it starts to get really fun with Garen. Depending on how well you performed the previous 2 steps, you or your laning partner should be decently fed. Depending on how tanky your team is, you should be the one to engage in team fights, so your squishy nukers don't die. The way this Garen is built, you will be very difficult to kill, even if focused and will be able to mop up a running away champ with Ghostblade, ghost and decisive strike. In a team fight, you always want to focus there most damaging ap champ and silence them as soon as possible. Make sure you activate your Courage as soon as a fight starts so that you are even tougher to kill. Garen is also great at backdooring because he can push turrets quickly and can run away from ganks extremely well with his great move speed and judgement decreasing slows by 50%. Ty all for checking out this build, leave a comment, good or bad. Ty and GL on the Fields of Justice!
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