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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Big Black Boi

AP Carry Get Cho' D*** Wet

AP Carry Get Cho' D*** Wet

Updated on November 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Big Black Boi Build Guide By Big Black Boi 2,142 Views 0 Comments
2,142 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Big Black Boi Cho'Gath Build Guide By Big Black Boi Updated on November 2, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost



Yo, cuh, dis is Big Black Boi, and you kno how me and my crew we poppin. So I decided to write dis guide abou my dogg Cho Gatt. Cuh, i'm the biggest black boi, but my bro Cho Gatt is the biggest lizard bro, lemme sho u how to do him.
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Runes, Summoner's, Items

Yo dawg, so like dis runes is to make sure when u old and grey u still get bitty's, and cuh, u gonna be so dam big wit dat big booty from eatin all the monsterrs and people. So for dem runes u wanna get Nike's like make u move fast as hell so u can catch up to them hood doggs, gotta move fast u know wat i mean, so u get move quints bro. Then u get them AP flat or AP/level fo blue so u do some mad damage dawg, and den get some armor for yellow or mp regen/level if u want to make it good.

Fo summoners u can eithr get dat ignite, that pyro arsonist **** dat hurt them so much, burn down they properties if u kno wat i mean, doe dmg, secures kills, dat stuff. One thang u 100% NEED is Ghost cuz it lets u catch up to them small *** kids that be runnin so fast nowadays, like Usain Bolt if u know wat i mean. You can also brin teleprot if u want to stay lane, and get map mobility instead of ignite cuh.

Fo items, if ur laning mid, get dat **** i put above, it works trust me. If u playin toop against a AD, then put a Glacial Shroud up in there somewhere early and get frozn heart instead of dat banshee vail.
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Skill Sequence

Follo mah build cuh. If you can't hit Q's then max W first cuh, kill minions, farm, then get dat big booty and win.

Eat dem minins when u can wit ur R to get dat big booty look, then u get so much life, and guys will see u in a differen light. But save it for attack dem baddies.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Big Black Boi
Big Black Boi Cho'Gath Guide
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Get Cho' D*** Wet

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