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Twitch Build Guide by iYonbi

Goldilocks gets Rattled

Goldilocks gets Rattled

Updated on December 30, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iYonbi Build Guide By iYonbi 3 5 3,929 Views 2 Comments
3 5 3,929 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author iYonbi Twitch Build Guide By iYonbi Updated on December 30, 2011
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Twitch
  • LoL Champion: Twitch


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Making Gold is the key to this, you should end up with Infinite Edge early due to mass gold earning. This runs Attack Speed and Damage, and late game Lifesteal.
All about making gold, very early in the game you will have a lot more gold than everyone else doing exactly the same thing as you because you will be getting an extra 7 gold per 10 seconds. it doesnt get much better than that. I first tried this out witht he want to run a complete Utility build with ultimate gold fluxuation and then evolved it into what it is now. I have played roughly 8 games by following these instructions in 5 vs 5 and have only once gone with a negative kill --> death ration and that score was 5/6/14 so i was still pretty happy with it :D
I would have to say that nothing in this guide is ' set in stone ' except the philosophers stone, you must start with it and must only sell it when doing so will complete this guide. If you're not interested in making a good gold making build then this really isnt where you wanna look.
I think in any Twitch build you want to be working on Attack Speed and Attack Damage, so once you got your gold coming through and then a bit of movement speed ( you may want boots of swiftness or the boots with give 5 movement speed but personally these are the best and because you get phantom daggers pretty soon dont worry about you walking speed ) then you want to be worrying about maximum damage and attack speed whilst piling on the criticals at x 2.5 damage.
The end of my build its not important where you go with it. I do recomend following this as its set in stone UNTIL the point on when you come to buing the thornmail. Thornmail isnt crucial, any defensive anything will do instead but ive found thornmail to be the most problematic for the enemy. I dont know if you want Banshees Veil or Guardian Angel, which im sure also work well and may suit you best but this is for me and i just hope you like it :D .
After THornmail i start going lifesteal. This is important for me because at this time i am usually stealthing > running the whole map > attacking inhibuters > getting attacked > getting the hell out of there (usually with ease if you play relitively safe) > and needing to ' b ' ( with the lifesteal, i instead go and attack a few minions, and wisely re-enter the enemy ranks ) > winning the game while my team occupy the enemy and i attack the nexus.
This build is awkward in a game where you are losing because it really is for offense and effective stealthing. And not great for defending!! HOWEVER!! Because I have so much gold coming through, even if the enemy is fed, you shouldnt be too far behind them with your weapons. FOR EXAMPLE: You get Infinite Edge pretty early even if therea are no champ kills for you.
Hopefully thats not too long, trying to make the 5000 characters. ENJOY :D
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Making Gold is the key to this, you should end up with Infinite Edge early due to mass gold earning. This runs Attack Speed and Damage, and late game Lifesteal.
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I believe you need some defence when you are running a utility build. And the items make up for attack.
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I believe you need some defence when you are running a utility build. And the items make up for attack.
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If you dont want gold fluxuation then this isnt the build for you, i would not recommend my guide what-so-ever if you dont run this utility set of masteries.
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If you dont want gold fluxuation then this isnt the build for you, i would not recommend my guide what-so-ever if you dont run this utility set of masteries.
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The thing which sets this apart is the Philosophers Stone, this is necessary asap so you can complete this relitively expensive build, it is the point of the build and the thing you sell only once you are complete with your other items.
Ninja Shoes - Is my preference, you have no idea how good a 1/8 dodge chance can be and this also presents you with some armor.
Then focus on attack speed and attack damage, i run 2 *red daggers* ( :P ) because then then you attack really fast and you can remover the boots when you start selling things for better equpis.
Thornmail - This is useful because generally i find when vsing people and they use a lot of abilities, i can easily flash and stealth and get away no problem, but when in a confruntation and i am low on hp. I need the reduced damage and a bit extra damage on them is also good. NB. You will be doing high damage at over 2 hits per second at this point. Soooo, as long as you play wise then this is good. hasnt failed me yet.
Late game Lifesteal - This is COMPLETELY JUST a preference of mine, i like to be healing or able to heal by attacking minions, and with these lifesteal equipments you will be getting damage as well. The lifesteal can be varied drastically. Again.. JUST A PREFERENCE OF MINE!!

Really once you are looking to buy the THornmail you can buy what ever the hell you want, but ive found that this set is best for ME. Never gone with a negative kd with this item set.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sell Boots before you sell the Stone, unless you truely want some more movement speed, and ur team is dominating with loads of gold intake.
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The thing which sets this apart is the Philosophers Stone, this is necessary asap so you can complete this relitively expensive build, it is the point of the build and the thing you sell only once you are complete with your other items.
Ninja Shoes - Is my preference, you have no idea how good a 1/8 dodge chance can be and this also presents you with some armor.
Then focus on attack speed and attack damage, i run 2 *red daggers* ( :P ) because then then you attack really fast and you can remover the boots when you start selling things for better equpis.
Thornmail - This is useful because generally i find when vsing people and they use a lot of abilities, i can easily flash and stealth and get away no problem, but when in a confruntation and i am low on hp. I need the reduced damage and a bit extra damage on them is also good. NB. You will be doing high damage at over 2 hits per second at this point. Soooo, as long as you play wise then this is good. hasnt failed me yet.
Late game Lifesteal - This is COMPLETELY JUST a preference of mine, i like to be healing or able to heal by attacking minions, and with these lifesteal equipments you will be getting damage as well. The lifesteal can be varied drastically. Again.. JUST A PREFERENCE OF MINE!!

Really once you are looking to buy the THornmail you can buy what ever the hell you want, but ive found that this set is best for ME. Never gone with a negative kd with this item set.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sell Boots before you sell the Stone, unless you truely want some more movement speed, and ur team is dominating with loads of gold intake.
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Skill Sequence

Stealth is important at the beginning, this isnt really a build for great quick starts but still you wont get much done with the others. Once you have an ambush then you want to work on expunge, i like to max it as soon as possible. And in the meantime and afterwards just go 1 and 1 with the other 2 skills, so their lvls are always equal and/or within 1 lvl of each other. And lvl up your ult every chance you get.
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Skill Sequence

Stealth is important at the beginning, this isnt really a build for great quick starts but still you wont get much done with the others. Once you have an ambush then you want to work on expunge, i like to max it as soon as possible. And in the meantime and afterwards just go 1 and 1 with the other 2 skills, so their lvls are always equal and/or within 1 lvl of each other. And lvl up your ult every chance you get.
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Summoner Spells

Flash: This give you some room to use Ambush when you are running away, a well times flash into a bush and an instant stealth beets and ghost spell or anything like that.

Ignite: Twitch works off his love for poison, this is a good distance move for assisting greatly with you poison. Particularly for early game ganks.
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Summoner Spells

Flash: This give you some room to use Ambush when you are running away, a well times flash into a bush and an instant stealth beets and ghost spell or anything like that.

Ignite: Twitch works off his love for poison, this is a good distance move for assisting greatly with you poison. Particularly for early game ganks.
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