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Heimerdinger Build Guide by CualZ

Heimerdinger Deadly Tank

Heimerdinger Deadly Tank

Updated on August 5, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CualZ Build Guide By CualZ 4,566 Views 0 Comments
4,566 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CualZ Heimerdinger Build Guide By CualZ Updated on August 5, 2011
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Introduction - How to play it

First of all my english isn't that great but anyway, I tried this build (duuuuh) but it sure does work you die like 0-4 times each game and can get kills quite easily.

Playing this style you could either go mid or Top/low, always stay behind the minons at the begining until you reach lvl 6+ depends. Never hunt the enemy for kill at that lvl (everyone should know that they shouldn't do that if they're going to die) The key to kill is to always think a step forward then your oppent does there're sereval ways but you'll get it at some point. Heimerdinger is an easy character to play once you know how to play it, but remember stay close to your turret either beside or behind to keep the distance of oppent and keep an eye on the map for enemies and minons.

To keep the enemy away:
You should put turrets where the Enemy Tower Turrets won't reach so the minons die quickly as they get there. If an champion enemy get close to your turrets use UPGRADE and quickly use Grenade after to stun the enemy, if you get hunted by the enemy run around close to the turrets and keep using grenade and rockets that way you'll able to survive.

Returning to spawn:
Before using recall put up your turrets at the "Tower Turret" so the enemy has to struggle getting through and destroying it. It'll keep them away for a short time but it'll be enough until you're back.

Killing as group (Gangers):
Put up your turrets as always where you find them needed, as an escape route or other etc, let your team attack lure them in too the turrets or you can put up new ones if possible and use uppgrade even if its just 1 to slow the enemy down ( If you just put one turret and use UPGRADE. If enemy is running from the battle after use grenade then rocket or the other way around depends on the distance from eachother. Or put up another turret if the enemy doesn't run away then use grenade and spam attack on it and save rocket if he starts running) You can hide in forest too hide until you get an oppertunity, but once you team attack you should too since you'll make alot of damage.
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Update Log

- 2011-07-23: Changed Masteries still haven't figured out what to pick yet, I ain't that high in summoner level yet but will fix it in short notice :)
- 2011-08-02: Changed Masteries to original standard. Changed Item shop list insteed of 2nd Rabadon's Deathcap its a void staff.
- 2011-08-03: Changed Runes!
*Marks insteed than Greater Mark of Vitality it's now Greater Mark of Insight.
*Seals instead than Greater Seal of Potency it's now Greater Seal of Clarity.
*Glyphs instead than Greater Glyph of Potency it's now Greater Glyph of Celerity.
*Quintessences instead than Greater Quintessences of Potency it's now Quintessences of Celerity.
- 2011-08-05: Changed Spells Teleport/Heal to Calirty/Flash
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Build by CualZ

If you have any suggestion, questions or tips how to play it please comment bellow.
And I hope you liked it.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author CualZ
CualZ Heimerdinger Guide
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Heimerdinger Deadly Tank

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