Your text to link here...[/url]This is your bread and butter skill for defending points and pushing. I max this first. This skill is great with zhonya hourglass and is easy to use because it has auto-attacks, you dont have to choose the target. However the turrets become weak during end game. Even tho they become weak, they skill makes other summoner lose time in taking a point when the turrets are there cause they will always interupt them from taking the point, they need to kill that turret before and lose like 1/2 or 3 second.


First of all, I would max the missile before if they don't have annoying carry AD. Reason why: this skills is faster, champion can't dodge this, and it's an multi target skill. For those that says: you'll prefer to have blind first if an AD like trynd, yi or gp shows up. I've faced an yi and gp before, I always maxed missiles tho. If a trynd shows up, I will probly have 2 turret near me, i'll missile him, him taking some damage, he will either attack me or turret, if he comes close enough I'll grenade him ( trying to stun ), he will be blind for a certain moment, 1 or 2 second ( because I'll probly not have maxed grenade ). he will try to kill me, I'll ult and zhonya hourglass. he will take lots of damage, he will probly ult, because of my 25% cooldown, when zhony will be down my grenade and missile will be up, I'll blind him again, and finish him with missiles. if not I have GA soo I'll revive and finish him with blind or missiles.

You wants to have this at lvl 6/11/16 for the cooldown. You want to activate your ult to save yourself, a point, a friend. For example, if they chase you and you put down your turret with ult that will slow them alot. Same thing to save a friend. Different stuff for saving a point. let's take an example that you and your team are far from a point that both of your turrets are, the enemy wants to take that point. They need to kill your turret first to get the point of the turret will constantly attacking them and cancel them from taking the point. when one of your 2 turret is about to die, activate your ult, and it will save about 2-3 seconde more time to deal with the turrets, giving enought time to reach them or taking other points.
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