She has a stronger laning phase and scales well into teamfights, sometimes even better than you. Her Q range exceeds both your Q and auto range. Focus on punishing her when she pokes your ADC, and avoid advancing when her abilities are available. Wait for them to go on cooldown.
Bard has a shorter auto-attack range (500) compared to Aphelios, who starts with a green weapon offering 650 range. This means Bard can't poke or engage effectively on Aphelios early on, especially since Aphelios also outranges him with his 550 range. However, once Bard reaches level 6, Aphelios becomes more vulnerable to Bard’s ultimate, as he lacks dashes or blinks.
Playing against Blitzcrank can be challenging, as getting hooked usually leads to death unless you have Flash available. However, you can out-roam him and scale better in the late game. The key is to play safely, wait for opportunities, and rely on your jungle for assistance.
Caitlyn has a 650 range, which gives her a significant advantage in the laning phase, making it tough to trade with her. However, she’s easy to catch with your ultimate, as most Caitlyn players use her E ability to escape, but it's too slow to avoid your ult. Focus on reaching level 6 and keep using your ultimate on her whenever possible.
Draven is an aggressive champion often paired with an all-in support for a kill lane. Bard struggles against this playstyle, especially early on when he lacks the tools to counter or survive an all-in. The best approach is to play safely, avoid risky trades, and wait for your jungler's assistance.
Ezreal isn't particularly dangerous for Bard during the laning phase, but Bard won't be able to apply much kill pressure as long as Ezreal keeps his E for Bard’s Q or R. Be patient and try to bait out his E by auto-attacking until he uses it. Ezreal doesn't become fully effective until he has 3 items, so aim to get a strong lead and win before he reaches that point.
Janna has a longer range than Bard, making the laning phase difficult. She's also quite fast, so you’ll need to focus on auto-attacking her first before attempting to land your Q or ultimate.
Dealing with Jinx during the laning phase is very challenging, as she outranges you, making it difficult to land abilities on her until you reach level 6. Once you have your ultimate, you can start setting up plays for your team, since Jinx has no dashes or blinks to escape.
She deals more damage than you and scales just as well, or even better, depending on her team comp. Play around cooldowns and vision, and wait for level 6 to initiate hard engages. Once you ult, make sure to land your stun immediately to 100-0 her before she can use her E and R, as those abilities can buy her time and often turn the fight in her favor if not interrupted.
he difficulty of the Maokai matchup depends largely on your experience playing against him. Maokai is considered strong into Bard due to his superior objective control and slightly better laning phase. However, there are ways to counter him. One effective tactic is to bait out his W and then quickly use your portal to take him with you to your turret. Once there, stun him immediately—this can either secure a kill or force him to flash to escape.
If Amumu gets on top of you, you're likely to die, but if you position well in teamfights, you can peel effectively for your team. It's a skill matchup, so be cautious of his Q once it hits you, it will follow even if you enter a portal or flash away. Proper positioning and timing are key to handling him.
Ashe has 100 more range than Bard, so you'll need to respect her early poke. However, once you reach level 6, you can engage on her more easily since she has no dashes or blinks. Time her flash carefully, and you can repeat the kill with your ultimate. A 2v2 should be in your favor if you land your ult into a Q.
The Brand matchup is a skill matchup. Focus on his cooldowns and play around them. You can out-roam and outscale him, so the key is to play safely, avoid over-forcing fights, and wait for the right opportunities.
Against Corki, punish him in lane as much as possible to delay his scaling. Try to apply pressure and aim to end the game before he reaches 3 items, as that's when he becomes much stronger.
A skilled Bard player can effectively shut down Galio with well-timed ultimates and Qs. Practice syncing your ult and Q to interrupt his abilities, especially his own ult, to prevent him from having a strong impact in teamfights.
Heimerdinger is easy to set up kills on, but avoid fighting near his towers unless you're confident you can stun-lock him. His turrets can make it difficult to engage safely, so make sure you have a solid plan before diving in.
Jhin is an easy champion to engage on, but he's very fast in team fights, making it harder to shut him down once the action starts. Try to engage on him before the fight begins, catching him off-guard for a better chance to take him out.
Respect Kog'Maw's W for its significant damage and range boost. Pressure him when it's on cooldown. Once you hit level 6, securing kills becomes easier, as his only escape from a well-placed ultimate is his Flash.
Against Leona, it's a skill matchup, but you have several ways to counter her. Make sure to take Guardian and Unflinching for added protection. Leona's E always makes her land or appear behind her target, so use this to your advantage. Stand close to a wall and use your Q backwards into the wall when she uses her E on you. This will guarantee a stun before she can use her Q, putting her in a bad position and giving you the upper hand in the trade.
If Morgana is smart, she’ll max her Spell Shield first, making the matchup much harder. However, most Morganas tend to max Q instead, which works in your favor. Bard's Q counts as two spells if the damage from Bard's Q breaks her shield and then connects with a wall, minion, or champion, it will still stun her. Use this to your advantage when engaging.
Nautilus can be a scary lane, as getting caught by his hook can result in death. However, if you play the lane correctly, you should be able to win. Stay in the minion wave to make it harder for him to land a hook, and always position yourself near a wall. This will allow you to use your E to peel for yourself or your ADC if he tries to engage.
Karthus is weak early game as long as you avoid getting hit by his Q. Play with vision and try to punish him for farming, as he relies heavily on it to scale. Your ult can help save low HP teammates, making this a fun matchup if you can outplay him and control the lane.
Kai'sa has low range, similar to Bard, so you can trade with her without worrying too much about her auto-spacing. However, she has a lot of burst potential, especially when paired with an engage support, so be cautious. Trade when her cooldowns are down and stay within the minion wave to prevent her Q from being isolated on you. This will help you avoid taking too much damage.
Alistar is a relatively easy matchup for Bard. The key is to respect his power from level 3 to 6, as he can be quite strong during that window. You win the early levels (1-2) and, from level 6 onward, you offer better scaling, engage, and sustain in both healing and damage. Use this advantage to outplay him in the later stages of the game.
Braum is a fairly manageable matchup for Bard. If you can dodge his Q, you won’t have many issues with him, as he’s a melee support with no real hard engage. This allows you to roam freely without being too worried about him all-inning your ADC. It’s a fun matchup for Bard, as you can focus on roaming and controlling the pace of the game.
Nami can be a bit annoying in the early laning phase, as her trade pattern often beats yours. However, once you hit level 6, you can start forcing engages with your ultimate, which she can't match. Nami also struggles to match your roams, and you outscale her as the game progresses. Overall, it's a favorable matchup for Bard.
The Pyke matchup is a skill matchup, but you outscale him, so even if you go even or fall slightly behind in the early game, it won’t matter. Pyke is currently a weaker champion and struggles in teamfights compared to Bard. As the game progresses, you'll have a stronger impact, especially in teamfights, where Pyke can't compete as effectively.
Kalista's range isn't particularly impressive, and she needs a few items before she becomes truly dangerous. The main thing to watch out for is her passive jump. Try to predict her jump pattern to know when to time your Q, as landing it during her jump will give you a strong advantage in trades.
Caitlyn is one of the best ADCs in the current meta and pairs exceptionally well with Bard. Her traps can be easily set up by your stun and ultimate, creating strong pick opportunities. Additionally, Caitlyn offers a safe lane for Bard to roam, which is crucial for Bard's playstyle and map control.
Jhin is between a 4 and 5 in terms of strength compared to Caitlyn. While he can perform similarly in lane, he is more vulnerable than Caitlyn during the early phases. His range and damage output are strong, but his lack of mobility makes him more susceptible to being engaged on, especially in the laning phase.
Bard struggles with short-range, so it's crucial to have an ADC with a long auto-attack or spell range in lane. This allows the ADC to avoid getting bullied during the laning phase, and it also gives Bard the opportunity to roam more effectively while the ADC can safely farm.
Ashe, with her 600 range, pairs well with Bard. She provides slows in fights, making it easier for Bard to land his Q and ultimate, while also helping him get into auto-attack range. This synergy enhances Bard’s ability to engage and control the pace of fights.
Corki is a great champion, but he has a weak early game. Your goal should be to help him through this phase and get him to the late game. Once Corki reaches his power spike, he can carry the team to a secure win with his strong scaling and damage.
After receiving several strong buffs, Jinx is back in the meta. She has long-range, is relatively safe with her traps, and scales incredibly well into the late game. Having her as your ADC is a great advantage, as she can carry teamfights and provide consistent damage as the game progresses.
Ezreal and Bard don’t provide much synergy for each other, but Ezreal is an ADC that can fend for himself and peel when needed. This means you don’t have to worry about leaving him alone to roam. If Ezreal reaches 3 items, he becomes incredibly strong and can carry the game, making him a reliable pick for Bard to support.
Bard isn't the best support for Kog'Maw, but he's not the worst either. Bard’s E and W are great for peeling for Kog'Maw, and Kog offers strong early pressure that Bard struggles to create on his own. You can be aggressive when Kog’s W is ready, and play more passively when it’s on cooldown, balancing between offense and defense based on his abilities.
Kalista isn’t the best nor the worst pick for Bard. Her range is average, which makes it harder to gain lane priority, so try to control the brushes to mitigate that. At level 6, her ultimate synergizes well with Bard’s Q, allowing for effective stuns. Additionally, Bard’s E can work great for peeling Kalista away from dive champions, providing solid protection for her.
Karthus can be a good ADC, but he requires a lot of resources, and Bard isn't the best at providing that since he also isn't the strongest early game. The best strategy is to roam and allow Karthus to get solo experience. Only return to lane if the enemy bot lane is attempting to freeze, as that’s when you can help him break it.
Vayne requires a really skilled player to make the most of her, especially when paired with Bard. Both champions have low range, making the laning phase difficult. However, their synergy comes from the ability to stun opponents against walls, with both Bard’s Q and Vayne’s tumble working together to set up powerful engages. If you can coordinate well, it can be a strong combo.
Draven thrives on being aggressive during the laning phase, while Bard wants to quickly move out of lane and roam, often by getting boots early. This dynamic makes it difficult for Draven to fully utilize his passive, as Bard's roaming leaves Draven isolated and unable to snowball. As a result, Draven struggles with Bard as a support, often falling behind due to the lack of lane control and synergy.
Kai'Sa, like Bard, is a low-range champion, which makes it easy for opponents to outrange and outpoke you during the laning phase. Since both champions struggle with range, picking Kai'Sa when Bard is already selected can be a poor choice, as the lack of range will hinder your ability to trade and secure priority in lane. It's best to avoid picking Kai'Sa if Bard is your support.
Bard and Tristana have good synergy, with Bard setting up kills through his roams and crowd control. Tristana’s W helps her reposition, making it easier for her to follow up on Bard’s engages. If Bard times his abilities well, they can be a strong combo, especially in the late game.
Bard and Lucian have low synergy because Bard focuses on roaming, while Lucian thrives with lane pressure. Bard's absence in lane limits Lucian's early-game potential, and their abilities don’t combo well together.
Bard and Zeri have decent synergy, as both benefit from roaming and map control. Bard’s ability to set up plays and Zeri’s mobility and burst damage complement each other well. While their laning phase may not be as dominant, Zeri’s speed allows her to take advantage of Bard’s crowd control in mid-to-late game fights. This dynamic works better as the game progresses, with Bard's roams helping Zeri get ahead and create opportunities.
Caitlyn is one of the best ADCs in the current meta and pairs exceptionally well with Bard. Her traps can be easily set up by your stun and ultimate, creating strong pick opportunities. Additionally, Caitlyn offers a safe lane for Bard to roam, which is crucial for Bard's playstyle and map control.
Jhin is between a 4 and 5 in terms of strength compared to Caitlyn. While he can perform similarly in lane, he is more vulnerable than Caitlyn during the early phases. His range and damage output are strong, but his lack of mobility makes him more susceptible to being engaged on, especially in the laning phase.
Bard struggles with short-range, so it's crucial to have an ADC with a long auto-attack or spell range in lane. This allows the ADC to avoid getting bullied during the laning phase, and it also gives Bard the opportunity to roam more effectively while the ADC can safely farm.
Ashe, with her 600 range, pairs well with Bard. She provides slows in fights, making it easier for Bard to land his Q and ultimate, while also helping him get into auto-attack range. This synergy enhances Bard’s ability to engage and control the pace of fights.
Corki is a great champion, but he has a weak early game. Your goal should be to help him through this phase and get him to the late game. Once Corki reaches his power spike, he can carry the team to a secure win with his strong scaling and damage.
After receiving several strong buffs, Jinx is back in the meta. She has long-range, is relatively safe with her traps, and scales incredibly well into the late game. Having her as your ADC is a great advantage, as she can carry teamfights and provide consistent damage as the game progresses.
Ezreal and Bard don’t provide much synergy for each other, but Ezreal is an ADC that can fend for himself and peel when needed. This means you don’t have to worry about leaving him alone to roam. If Ezreal reaches 3 items, he becomes incredibly strong and can carry the game, making him a reliable pick for Bard to support.
Bard isn't the best support for Kog'Maw, but he's not the worst either. Bard’s E and W are great for peeling for Kog'Maw, and Kog offers strong early pressure that Bard struggles to create on his own. You can be aggressive when Kog’s W is ready, and play more passively when it’s on cooldown, balancing between offense and defense based on his abilities.
Kalista isn’t the best nor the worst pick for Bard. Her range is average, which makes it harder to gain lane priority, so try to control the brushes to mitigate that. At level 6, her ultimate synergizes well with Bard’s Q, allowing for effective stuns. Additionally, Bard’s E can work great for peeling Kalista away from dive champions, providing solid protection for her.
Karthus can be a good ADC, but he requires a lot of resources, and Bard isn't the best at providing that since he also isn't the strongest early game. The best strategy is to roam and allow Karthus to get solo experience. Only return to lane if the enemy bot lane is attempting to freeze, as that’s when you can help him break it.
Vayne requires a really skilled player to make the most of her, especially when paired with Bard. Both champions have low range, making the laning phase difficult. However, their synergy comes from the ability to stun opponents against walls, with both Bard’s Q and Vayne’s tumble working together to set up powerful engages. If you can coordinate well, it can be a strong combo.
Draven thrives on being aggressive during the laning phase, while Bard wants to quickly move out of lane and roam, often by getting boots early. This dynamic makes it difficult for Draven to fully utilize his passive, as Bard's roaming leaves Draven isolated and unable to snowball. As a result, Draven struggles with Bard as a support, often falling behind due to the lack of lane control and synergy.
Kai'Sa, like Bard, is a low-range champion, which makes it easy for opponents to outrange and outpoke you during the laning phase. Since both champions struggle with range, picking Kai'Sa when Bard is already selected can be a poor choice, as the lack of range will hinder your ability to trade and secure priority in lane. It's best to avoid picking Kai'Sa if Bard is your support.
Bard and Tristana have good synergy, with Bard setting up kills through his roams and crowd control. Tristana’s W helps her reposition, making it easier for her to follow up on Bard’s engages. If Bard times his abilities well, they can be a strong combo, especially in the late game.
Bard and Lucian have low synergy because Bard focuses on roaming, while Lucian thrives with lane pressure. Bard's absence in lane limits Lucian's early-game potential, and their abilities don’t combo well together.
Bard and Zeri have decent synergy, as both benefit from roaming and map control. Bard’s ability to set up plays and Zeri’s mobility and burst damage complement each other well. While their laning phase may not be as dominant, Zeri’s speed allows her to take advantage of Bard’s crowd control in mid-to-late game fights. This dynamic works better as the game progresses, with Bard's roams helping Zeri get ahead and create opportunities.
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