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Ability Order
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
Techmaturgical Repair Bots
There's nothing wrong with group health regen. Let's leave it at that.
H-28G Evolution Turret
What makes Heimer Heimer. Without turrets, he is nothing. With turrets, he is god.
Hextech Micro-Rockets
A nice finisher, and also a good farming move when combined with Level 5 turrets or a Grenade. Note, that contrary to the description, the rockets hit minions.
CH-1 Concussion Grenade
A slow skillshot that stuns and blinds, while doing 300 damage without and +AP boosts. How nice. On a note, your Concussion Grenades can be used to damage towers: a great finishing move if your team has just been beaten and that tower is still alive on 20 HP.
Great for a lot of things. If your turrets are low, the cooldown is so low (especially with the bonus CDR it gives) generally that you may as well drop it. If an enemy champion is chasing you past your turrets, drop it, so they slow and get a ton more shots in. I've been able to reverse ganks champions like Shaco, Evelynn and Warwick have attempted and managed to get a free kill from it.
There's nothing wrong with group health regen. Let's leave it at that.
H-28G Evolution Turret
What makes Heimer Heimer. Without turrets, he is nothing. With turrets, he is god.
Hextech Micro-Rockets
A nice finisher, and also a good farming move when combined with Level 5 turrets or a Grenade. Note, that contrary to the description, the rockets hit minions.
CH-1 Concussion Grenade
A slow skillshot that stuns and blinds, while doing 300 damage without and +AP boosts. How nice. On a note, your Concussion Grenades can be used to damage towers: a great finishing move if your team has just been beaten and that tower is still alive on 20 HP.
Great for a lot of things. If your turrets are low, the cooldown is so low (especially with the bonus CDR it gives) generally that you may as well drop it. If an enemy champion is chasing you past your turrets, drop it, so they slow and get a ton more shots in. I've been able to reverse ganks champions like Shaco, Evelynn and Warwick have attempted and managed to get a free kill from it.
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