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Twitch Build Guide by Toronos

Holy Crit! it Twitch

Holy Crit! it Twitch

Updated on April 14, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Toronos Build Guide By Toronos 2,772 Views 0 Comments
2,772 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Toronos Twitch Build Guide By Toronos Updated on April 14, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



This twitch build is set up so early game you can get kills and dominate late game with high attack speed and crit
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Pros / Cons

    100% crit
    high attack speed
    Stealth attack

    Squishy early game
    magic weakness late game
    vulnerable to CCs
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Skill Sequence

Taking ambush at level one allows for excellent scouting and ganking. try to level expunge as soon as possible so that when an enemy champion tries to escape to take them out with a bang. get debilitating poison as a skill over getting levels in ambush so as to better stop the enemies from getting away.
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Item Sequence

when purchasing the items, I chose to start more towards survivability by getting Bloodthirster, then building into attack speed through Phantom Dancer, and then into some power with Infinity Edge. I find that I'm just not taking enemies down fast enough so I build into a second Phantom Dancer for devistating speed. By this point Twitch has 85% crit which is plenty so building Youmuu's Ghostblade so as to reach maximum crit chance. with all this crit a little attack speed and damage would be good so going with Black Cleaver fits that spot. by this point the build is complete so for extra it is good to buy the elixirs for bonus strength. If desired Youmuu's Ghostblade can be traded in for Trinity Force for a little of everything.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Toronos
Toronos Twitch Guide
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Holy Crit! it Twitch

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