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Brand Build Guide by jefrock766

Hot? It's because my shirt's off..isn't it?

Hot? It's because my shirt's off..isn't it?

Updated on February 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jefrock766 Build Guide By jefrock766 1,687 Views 0 Comments
1,687 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author jefrock766 Brand Build Guide By jefrock766 Updated on February 9, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Inferno Intro

Hello guys and gals, my first build here and I've decided to go with Brand, mostly because of the fact I consider him my main and that he's the best character I've done work with. Pretty good reasons if you ask me. Everything will me thoroughly explained as I go, so sit back, get warm, and learn how to brand the enemy champions with your skills.
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Scorched Runes

Now the runes I use, of course, roll with Ability Power and Magic Pen. These are dire to the amount of damage you'll be able to pull off early game and to make sure you're dominating by late game.
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Flame Masteries

The masteries are a pretty standard 21/0/7. Taking maximum Ability Power and Magic Pen with a little help from Ignite in Offense. While also helping with Mana issues in utility, with a shortened cooldown on Flash.
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Branded Items

Starting out with an Amplifying Tome with a Health Potion can ensure plenty of burst damage with Pillar of Flame early game. Leading into a Fiendish Codex will help some with cooldowns until you can afford the full Morello's, giving you dominance over cooldowns and plenty of Ability Power. Tear of the Goddess gives you the Mana and Regen that you'll probably notice early game, especially if laned against a pusher like Caitlyn. Then going with an Archangel's Staff to just ensure I won't be going anywhere in a fight after awhile. Needlessly Large Rod is, of course, gonna lead into a Rabadon's Deathcap, a must have for any mage that brings on the burst. Void Staff finishes off the Magic Pen with a bang, making a team that's huddled together just sorry they gathered around you once you release the Pyroclasm. A Rylai's Crystal Scepter will help with more Armor and survivability while providing just a bit more Ability
Power to what you have. To finish the build off, a nice Will of the Ancients is a nice touch. Giving you Spell Vamp, and with the damage you should be dealing, you'll be in good hands.
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Hot Flash

Flash is an all around good spell, whether you use it for offense or defense, (trying to run away from a gank or fed champion.)

Ignite is just sometimes needed to ensure a person that you don't mess around. Although i don't permit you start the fight with it, considering it's mainly used to pick up the kill if there are no other options.


Clarity is pretty useful to have around early game, but like I'm sure you've read, isn't needed late game and will just be sitting there in the summoner spell slot, maybe a little cobweb in the corner..

Ghost can also be substituted instead of Flash, to either, yet again, ensure a getaway with a lower cooldown.

Teleport is good for getting to a point fast, but unless you're midding, it's iffy.

Exhaust...for you greedy people out there.


Revive..I hate to see this in a game because the person uses it I'm guessing is just planning to die and go out to die again. The cooldown on it is also killer.

Smite: Yeah, you don't really jungle with Brand.

Heal: Although a good early game thing, you soon start to build up alot of health and will be pretty much like carrying a bucket of snot...why the hell are you carrying around a bucket of snot?

Clairvoyance: Tell your Support to get Ignite off their list and replace it with this.
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Steamin Pros / Burnt Out Cons

+ Early game burst
+ Reasonable cooldowns
+ Late game dominance

- Although how I speak in this build, he is not invincible.
- Ganks are always imminent with him.
- Annie is still able to burn you...
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Sizzled Summary

First thing I'd like to say is sorry for all the title puns, and also that I didn't get all fancy with it with pictures and with all I've seen in other builds. Like I said, it's my first and am still learning how this site deals with things. Any comments or criticisms will be gladly appreciated, and I hope you have fun with The Burning Vengeance.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author jefrock766
jefrock766 Brand Guide
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Hot? It's because my shirt's off..isn't it?

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