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Annie Build Guide by Turmoil

AP Carry How to Annie [Mid Lane]

AP Carry How to Annie [Mid Lane]

Updated on December 27, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Turmoil Build Guide By Turmoil 5 2 43,957 Views 2 Comments
5 2 43,957 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Turmoil Annie Build Guide By Turmoil Updated on December 27, 2013
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Hello everyone my name's Turmoil. I main mid lane and annie is one of my favorite champions to play as she is both strong and easy to play.
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These runes are great for Annie. The quints are pretty standard when it comes to AP as well as your marks, and seals. Now we get to your glyphs the magic resist glyphs provide a great defense from the champion your facing as most of the time they are using AP. The Scaling Ability Power runes are great for building your AP.
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These are the standard AP masteries; nothing special here.
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Annie is very easy to farm with, her Q has a pretty cool feature where if you get a kill the mana cost is 0. You'll want to try to last hit minions with your Q as you will use that to build stacks toward your passive and you spend no mana! Once you build your passive use it to Q at the enemy champion your laning against to stun them and get a few free hits on them. This is great for poking, and it makes them very scared to get in your range.
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Team Work

Annie's team fighting skills are amazing. She has high AoE damage with her ult, and her W. Annie's passive is also incredibly strong as it is a stun. A great thing to do in team fights is to build your passive before engaging then using your ult on their team resulting in a massive AoE stun while doing massive AoE damage. From there you will just continue using her abilities on the highest priority targets.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Turmoil
Turmoil Annie Guide
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How to Annie [Mid Lane]

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