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Charm is the deciding factor of this matchup, since it interrupts dashes, your combo becomes incredibly difficult to get off in lane and you will more often than not have to play it very passively, post 6 you have a chance if she can't react to R in time but it requires her to mess up
Despite the fact that you beat Akali pre 6 pretty mercilessly you'll still lose more or less instantly after she hits 6, and the longer the game goes the worse it gets.
Winning againster her after 6 requires you to either oneshot her with R or use Q to interrupt her second R cast.
It's more or less impossible to reach Anivia early on to break her passive, and if her passive is still up then blowing ignite and R to break it is a massive tempo loss.
Farm it up and try to roam if possible, you won't be getting much solo action in this lane.
Annie is shortranged, slow and very squishy, all of which are great things for a meduim range assassin that wants to blow you up with a skillshot nuke, trade hard and often when her stun is down and play it back until it's used or if you have the damage, kill her before it can even be used.
However Annie has fantastic gank recieval, so you have to be extremely careful about not giving them free advantages
Aurelion Sol
Aurelion struggles heavily against champions that can stay inside of his outer limit, something that Sejuani excels at. She also matches his pushing power, meaning that he really has no options in this lane but to wait for ganks and farm what he can.
Trade as much as you can and kill him off repeatedly.
Azir outranges you, outpokes you and has mobility and waveclear.
Not to mention that his ultimate makes it very dangerous to trade with him post 6 as your q is on a very high cooldown and has to be used to reach him in the first place, he'll just ult you away and kill you for free.
Powerfarm and try to make plays in the other lanes.
Brand loves it when you're up close so he can have an easier time getting all of his abilities off, not to mention that he outranges you as well.
Play safe and kill him after lvl 6 or look to roam.
Another skill matchup, your W forces you to "look" in the direction that it was cast, making it very easy for Cassiopeia to hit her R on you.
The key to winning this matchup is keeping your passive up so yoyu can easily get out of her W and using your own W backwards when close to her as the hitbox for W also hits slightly behind you.
Ling fights will always go in her favour, save E for when you want to disengage.
Cho is both melee and immobile, which makes him extremely easy to poke down and zone from the wave. If he's going tank you can't kill him eventually, if he goes AP you'll be able to wreck him for the rest of the game.
Shove waves and roam. don't waste your time mid.
Corki is both ranged, has solid waveclear and poke as well as a dash with a similar cooldown as yours. This means you can't really trade with him at all and have to rely on him messing up to get anything going.
Shove waves and roam, don't waste your time mid.
Diana is exceptional at trading and will more or less always beat you in a straight up fight, you need to burst her from fog of war to have a chance.
Your waveclear is superior, push and roam.
Ekko relies on his slow and his passive speed boost to trade in the early game, Sejuani's passive completely nullifies the slow and allows you to get an equally or more devastating trade right back at him.
After lvl 6 you have enough damage that he won't even be able to ult in time.
You can also more than easily match his waveclear.
Avoid at all costs, you heavily rely on projectiles to deal damage which Fizz's E just completely nullifies. Waveclear and get out of lane, you don't win the 1v1 unless he fucks it.
Galio depends on whether it's the tank build or the mage build.
The mage build falls over easily as you mostly deal physical damage in the early game and thus his W passive does nothing to help him out.
Not to mention your waveclear is superior and that he can't really escape if you get on top of him.
If he goes tank you won't have the damage and he can just slowly chip away at you until you're all out of steam, just push and look for roams.
Your W knocks back his towers and oneshots them at rank 3, it's beyond free.
Just W spam the wave and kill off all his towers, and then do whatever you want whether that's roaming or killing him under tower.
About as fun as sticking your cock in a blender.
Gwen can dodge your E, your W and your R with her W which makes it awful to play out.
Has stupid high sustained damage so you need to be quick in and out or you just hard lose the trade.
Irelia beats you in both the burst trade and sustained trade department due to her sustain.
Avoid if you can or call for jungle help, otherwise try to stay alive and even in cs.
Jayce doesn't have the durability to take trades with you after lvl 4 and can no longer do anything after lvl 6, you just kill him whenever he walks up.
Just be prepared for all the jungle pressure you'll get, Jayce always has to be strongside.
Horrid matchup, she's got plenty of shielding and susatin and a much cheaper item build than you. If you walk up too far you get snared and RQ:d instantly, trading back isn't an option either as RW and E nullify your damage entirely.
Farm up and get your mythic asap and get out of lane.
Karthus with exhaust is impossible to beat, you don't have the damage to kill him and you can't do short trades as Karthus Q destroys you. Play the lane slow and steady, farm for mythic and roam.
Kassadin excels at beating magic damage laners, however Sejuani's W deals physical damage which makes the poke unbearable for him.
Zone him from the wave and dive him as soon as you can.
Make sure to end as fast as you can as you can't deal with him after lvl 11 unless you're massively ahead.
Kat can't deal with CC, Sejuani's entire kit is hard CC.
You outtrade her, and if she ever goes into melee range you stun her up and send her packing.
You have better push as well which gives her few avenues to play through.
Kayle has a notoriously bad pre 6, which Sejuani is very good at abusing.
Trade as much as you can and try to deny as much xp as possible, if you get 6 before her she's defenseless.
End the game asap or you will get horrendously outscaed.
Just ban this shit :))
Lee Sin
You can't match his burst or his sustain, don't trade with him and try to get to your mytic asap or roam.
Not much to say, don't sped any time in lane against him.
Lissandra has no real options against you, she's squishy and low mobility so trade heavily and try to get lvl 6 before her.
Avoid ganks at all costs, she's got amazing gank recieval and you don't want to give away leads for free.
Fuck this champ.
Can't kill him and can't cs.
Cry for jungle
You don't have the burst to kill her, she's got great gank recieval and she outscales you.
No beuno, waveclear and roam and get leads in other lanes.
Not really a skill matchup, but it's not all that horrible. Essentially neither will kill the other and youj'll end up having to roam. Just don't get giga poked out
He can match your push and his ult is by default great at keeping divers off him.
He also has great gank recieval, forcing you to play it slow after lvl 6.
Push and roam is the way to go.
This matchup lives and dies by wave management, if you can keep the wave in the middle or towards your tower you steamroll her and take over the game.
If she manages to keep it by ehr tower you'll get outscaled and be rendered impactless.
Manipulate the wave or push and roam, whatever floats your boat.
Pantheon just excels at fighting and roaming, you're nto really allowed to play the game against him.
Push and roam, don't waste your time trying to kill him.
Qiyana's lvl 1-2 are really weak, use it to your advantage and generate a big health lead.
Once you hit lvl 3 she should be a free kill or you can zone her off the wave forever.
Your waveclear is better, so you can prevent her from roaming entirely.
Rumble does a lot more damage than you in melee range, he's tankier and he's got much better teamfighting.
Don't pick Sej into him, big depression.
Ryze has similar levels of waveclear, he scales like a monster and he's great at getting out of your combo early on.
Only option is to play through fog of war or impact other lanes.
Seraphines E becomes a weak skillshot that does a small amount of damage against you since your passive makes you slow immune.
Just trade with her over and over again and make her life miserable, she can't fight back at all.
Sylas beats you in close range trades and he really likes stealing your ult.
If he's any good at the champion you're gonna have to play it safe, you can't really go anti healing since your primary damage source is physical early game.
You can never engage on her due to her E and she outranges you/outscales you.
Don't pick Sej into Syndra, if you get counterpicked, just play safe until mythic.
Talon can't ever get his passive early on against you and thus you do much more damage than him. use your Q to interrupt his q and it's beyond easy.
Trade heavily and make sure he can't snowball.
Same as lucian, go next
Same as Lucian and Trist, can't trade with him, he outsustains you and is literally immune to burst with his R.
If your jungler doesn't help the game is lost.
His range makes it very hard to get on top of him, his waveclear makes it hard to roam.
Play it slow until you get your mythic and try to impact the rest of the map.
HIgh sustained damage and burst, cc and strong waveclear.
Play it slow and get your mythic before you try anything.
He outsustains you completely, any poke you throw is wasted mana.
Push as much as you can and roam, that's your only avenue to victory.
He outranges you, outtrades you and outscales you.
Same as Velkoz, play it slow and wait for your mythic before you try anything funky.
Break the windshitters skull
Do it again
Zed has waveclear, range and a way to dodge your R or your E with his own R.
If he burns W you can try and oneshot him.
A good Zed will make you miserable, play it safe and stall for your mythic.
It's impossible to trade with her since you get instantly slept and nuked, her poke is incredibly potent and she scales much better than you, avoid at all costs
This can go either way depending on how good the Ziggs is.
Either he outranges you and prevents you from getting close with W, not to mention he has safer waveclear and incredible scaling.
Or he dies for free over and over again if he can't keep his distance.
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