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Kayle Build Guide by DBLx

Other Hybrid Attack Speed Kayle Jungle Guide (5.4)

Other Hybrid Attack Speed Kayle Jungle Guide (5.4)

Updated on April 3, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DBLx Build Guide By DBLx 12,542 Views 1 Comments
12,542 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DBLx Kayle Build Guide By DBLx Updated on April 3, 2015
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Hi, my summoner name is Doubleshotted and this is the build for my favorite off-meta jungler. Kayle has very good jungle clear with her W and proper rotation. She can gank very well with with the double slow and high attack speed. Even though the jungle reset patch hurt her, I feel that Kayle can still be a high-tier jungler.
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Q- Your Q is a lock-on stun and a heavy damage dealing ability. This ability scales in both AD and AP so it benefits from every damage item in the build. Using your Q and stalkers creates a situation where the enemy being ganked will always be slowed

W- Your W is a movement speed steroid and a heal. This ability scales in only AP. using this while using your Q and stalker's gives you a really good chase.

E- Your E is your range-increasing damage steroid. An AOE damage circle will spread out from the target hit, making this ability great for jungle. It scales in AP, but your AD still applies to it.

R- Your ult is a shield that makes you invincible to all damage for a short duration, does not affect CC. It has no scaling other than a longer duration at leveling up.
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I run these runes because the AD helps more early than magic pen reds. Attack speed quints to do more DPS, plus it works well with the build. I have the four Attack speed blues to get my attack speed boost up to 16% of the start.
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I find that 23/7/0 works the best on Kayle in the current state.
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The items in my build look really weird but they all work. The Essence Reaver give the basic attacks more sting and her Q has AD scaling as well. the zephyr gives a lot of bonuses that Kayle really benefits from. the movement speed gives you over 500 when W is active and the attack speed gives you close to 2 attacks/second. The hybrid AD-AP makes her harder to counter because of the basic attacks doinbg both AD and AP.
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Skill Sequence

I start my W for the level one heal so that I can clear blue easier. then level 2 is the E for the bonus damage and the slight kiting that you can do. Q last and then go to maxing R-E-Q-W in that order.
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To start the game, you should start gromp, then go to blue. you should have pretty low health after that, so go clear scuttle while spamming your heal to get higher health. then go and clear both sides of jg. try to get 6 before ganking, but her pre-6 ganks are pretty good too.
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Pros / Cons

-Great kiting against melee champs.
-ability to turret dive with ult and heal on W.
-E gives AOE damage, helping clear camps faster.
-Has good kit to help in team fights.
-Passive helps to slay tanks.
-Good skins (Riot and aether wing)

-weak early game
-Item dependent
-Ranged AA goes on cooldown
-No escapes
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Thanks for reading my guide! I hope this helps you break the amazingly diverse meta of J4, lee sin, and Vi with the one of the most versatile champs in League.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DBLx
DBLx Kayle Guide
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Hybrid Attack Speed Kayle Jungle Guide (5.4)

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