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Ability Order
Void Stone (PASSIVE)
Kassadin Passive Ability
But most people don't understand how to use Kassadin to his full potential. I see endless builds that use him as a nuke mage. If I wanted to kill at range I would play as Veigar.
Q - Your harassment skill. Level this as fast as you can. But don't bother spamming until it is at least lv 2 as the lv 1 simply isn't worth the mana.
W - Your sustainability skill. A single early level in this skill greatly alleviates your mana issues.
E - Your snare skill. At lv 2 and above, this can be combined with your Q for massive burst potential.
R - Your initiate, escape, position skill. This is a wonderful skill that allows you to drive your opponents crazy with rage as you warp around the battlefield.
W - Your sustainability skill. A single early level in this skill greatly alleviates your mana issues.
E - Your snare skill. At lv 2 and above, this can be combined with your Q for massive burst potential.
R - Your initiate, escape, position skill. This is a wonderful skill that allows you to drive your opponents crazy with rage as you warp around the battlefield.
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