Irelia is the prime example of a champ you can't really deal with. Your e slow is pointless, because she can just use q to move around. Super strong early and outscales you in a 1v1 scenario. Best to just farm under tower and try and outvalue her in teamfights. Since you are playing off meta, you still have a chance of the Irelia underestimating daisy due to a lack of matchup knowledge, but if they know that they can just either wait it out and murder you by dashing away to some minions or killing daisy, threatening to engage onto you if you step up. Then again, you could say that it is an easy matchup because a lot of Irelia players try and force dives for no reason, allowing you to root and e stall until she dies. But seriously a semi-competent Irelia can dominate you all game.
Camille is Irelia but more manageable, in lane at least. She has all of the agency in the lane, deciding when to trade. Your ability to trade back isn't the worst, but a good Camille manages their passive well. Likewise with Irelia, your ult can be neutralised by using her e defensively, but unlike Irelia its not on a 0 second cooldown, so if she overextends with e you can punish her appropriately. Her 6 isn't too strong, but once she scales her ult completely ruins you. You can't kite her because she locks you in a tight space. Just root, maybe zhonyas and pray.
Morde can go both ways. On paper, its a good matchup. Morde is extremely kitable, your e slow and q stop him from ever catching you in lane. You can harrass him, his range is not too good and if he e's you, just respond with yours and mitigate the damage. HOWEVER, once morde hits 6, he can physically stop you from fighting with daisy. He can just slaughter you. You have tools to stall, but a lot of the time it isn't enough. You can summon daisy in the death realm to help, but she gets deleted, or summon her before and she is left in the overworld. You should tackle this two ways, either ult and tether outside of his ult range and keep placing shields on daisy, or wait for his ult, try and stall then ult and kill him.
Malphite uses way more mana than you despite you being a jungler and him being a toplaner. Just ignore his poke with e and auto him when he steps up to the wave. At 6, you need to e his ult or you can die which can be hard to do, but on the other hand I'm fairly certain that Daisy could legit solo him with e shields on her.
Garen legit can't play the lane. He relies on movespeed to actually get to you, so your e instantly shuts him down. On top of this, your q shuts down his telegraphed engage and daisy can run him down the lane. If he overextends, fish for a q, if you hit one just r and dash in with brush autos and e daisy. Command daisy to follow him across the lane and he's either dead or had to burn flash.
This character is so bad in lane, you should cheese lvl 1 every time. While she scales, she really can't 1v1 you at any point in the game. Try and freeze the wave on her, if she steps up use daisy to beat the **** out of her. If you can't and keep her pushed in, try and poke with q and bush autos, then dive her with Daisy. Her ult is a very long cooldown as her only way of dealing with daisy, so yeah.
Aim to win lane and make her weaker than average, then force her to answer you in a side lane so she can't decimate your team. In teamfights, neutralise her by setting daisy to wombo combo her while mitigating damage with your shielding.
Absolutely horrendous. You need to farm under tower the entire game and you will never be able to step up. Usually will dominate lane so much that you won't outvalue him. I would ban him very game, but no one plays him since he is quite bad when he doesn't have an ivern.
Pretty self-explanitory why you would lose this.
While you could argue that like Garen you could kite him infinitely, his w really shuts you down. If he gets to you, he kills you. In a side lane, he is really hard to kill, solo killing is almost never an option if you aren't ahead. His laning phase is too safe to lose against ivern if he just conceeds early. Aim to force him into teamfights if possible, you outvalue him massively in a teamfight but in a side lane good luck (since the rest of your team is unlikely to be able to match him). Just gets progressively worse as his q does more and more damage to Daisy.
If shen ults you literally take his entire tower. You can just disengage him quite easily, out trade him with e and poke him with autos. You don't really care about the fact he can mitigate autoattacks because you can just wait it out with your abilities to damage him, then use ranged autos to retaliate. Since he builds tank and will most likely build more ap resist, Daisy can use her AD damage to kill him quite easily.
Too much combat mobility to deal with and can just use e2 to disengage. No way to run him down with Daisy because he can q2 to dash away, or if you use it mid e, he can e2 to avoid it. Scales like mad, just unbalanced as a character honestly.
Unlike yone who requires two thumbs to pilot effectively, this character actually requires skill to win into you. You can easily force his passive out, Daisy can threaten him 1 on 1 since his mobility is more conditional and you can punish him for overextending since he doesn't have yone e. Bad points include the fact he can q stack daisy, then dash onto her and onto you for a guarenteed ult if you don't tether well, he can windwall your q to stop engages and he also outscales you. Nowhere near as bad as yone.
Unlike Camille or Irelia, Fiora actually cares about her movespeed a lot more. You can mitigate her vital procs with e and poke her down with autos without constantly being in range of death.
Darius can go either way. Darius absolutely destroys you if he has ghost up, however even if he kills you, you can tp back to lane and not really miss anything. If he doesn't have ghost up, he will struggle actually getting to you and you can look for solo kills on him. You will outscale him, and with each point you get in e you will get an easier matchup.
His burst mobility is too much and its hard to not die early. If he can get past daisy and onto you its over, if he can't he can just use his max health autos and shred through daisy's health a lot faster than most characters.
ALWAYS RUN SECOND WIND ITS TOO GOOD INTO VOLI. If he has flash he can actually try and do something, but he must burst you with his combo first and then dodge your q with ult if he wants a kill. Going flash for flash makes the lane free. You have to play this matchup well even still, but if you do there is very little he can do into you and since he passively pushes waves, you can run him down the lane more with Daisy.
Another telegraphed toplaner than can only really run in a straight line towards you and hates losing movespeed. Tether outside of his e range and anticipate it with your e if he is about to land it. Doesn't like dealing with daisy because his movespeed only works when travelling towards enemy champs, leaving him prone to getting ran down. Don't get flash W'd by a stacked sett and you will be fine.
Tryndamere is actually quite easy early game for you, but later it becomes much harder. At 6, you usually win because its hard for him to actually get on you with your root countering his telegraphed dash, which you can chain into your e slow to stop him from resetting it with crits. If he gets a galeforce, he gets another burst mobility option which can be troublesome. Eventually his splitpush will be really hard to stop since he just 2 shots you. His burst mobility becomes really good, rendering your e slow useless and your ability to run away is hampered by his w, a core part of this playstyle.
Graves has a lot of positive things in this matchup. His autos can push away daisy, and he can dash away from you to stop Daisy and stall it out. He is hard to poke, trading autos will result in him coming out top, not because of the damage but because fleet is really good. However, he also can't really gain a lead in the lane. In a strict 1v1, he loses especially at 6 and you can play around minions to eliminate his damage. Also has bad mana issues. Basically, you neutralise eachothers lanes. If you think you scale better, fair enough. Graves does scale well but I'm not sure how he would compare to Ivern since their roles are so different. I consider Ivern to scale very well, moreso than a lot of other people.
Is basically a ranged top. Has enough damage to burst daisy, kill her and kill you. His movespeed passive is actually ridiculous allowing him to shrug off your e slow and disengage. Luckly, he is fairly hard to play but he just counters you at every stage of this game.
Xin Zhao
Point and click dash, E shield. Slow. Teamfighting R invincibility, e that hits anyone inside the R. Insane synergy that you can't really find in normal games since they are both junglers.
Lee Sin
Same with Xin, but you have a fast projectile instead of a point and click dash.
Classic wombo combo. You can sneak him into the lanes with bushes, you can extend his jumps with bushes, you just make him a much better champ.
Invisible e shield is insane. Shaco main strength is getting into lanes, so giving him a 70 percent slow and more hp is insane.
Point and click dash, peeling, need I say more?
Poking them down to half is easy, enabling his w. You can then enable him with your root or slow and his dueling is insane. Guarenteed kills with a warwick, the cc combo is too much to handle.
Udyr has point and click cc, he just struggle to access lanes. Your root allows him to get there much easier. And once udyr gets on top of you, there isn't much you can do.
Another character with horrendous ganks, but strong dueling. If you give him a dash, he becomes broken. He has really good sticking power even without your shields.
Your root lets him get in range faster to stun. Usually a volibear stun will lead to a kill.
Giving the bug more sticking power is always good, since he already has the damage.
This champ has bad synergy with my brain cells I can't deal with these players anymore. Sometime I ban it when I play top because I hate it on my team and I hate blue kayn walking in after pressing q on camps the entire game and diving me under tower 100-0 with AoE abilities.
Criminal to play this in the jungle. His scaling is trash in jungle, his teamfight is so bad because he gets melted by anyone and god forbid there's an enchanter. Won't gank you, won't gank anyone. Will take farm but will do nothing with it. Can't even splitpush because he has to contest objectives. So bad.
Xin Zhao
Point and click dash, E shield. Slow. Teamfighting R invincibility, e that hits anyone inside the R. Insane synergy that you can't really find in normal games since they are both junglers.
Lee Sin
Same with Xin, but you have a fast projectile instead of a point and click dash.
Classic wombo combo. You can sneak him into the lanes with bushes, you can extend his jumps with bushes, you just make him a much better champ.
Invisible e shield is insane. Shaco main strength is getting into lanes, so giving him a 70 percent slow and more hp is insane.
Point and click dash, peeling, need I say more?
Poking them down to half is easy, enabling his w. You can then enable him with your root or slow and his dueling is insane. Guarenteed kills with a warwick, the cc combo is too much to handle.
Udyr has point and click cc, he just struggle to access lanes. Your root allows him to get there much easier. And once udyr gets on top of you, there isn't much you can do.
Another character with horrendous ganks, but strong dueling. If you give him a dash, he becomes broken. He has really good sticking power even without your shields.
Your root lets him get in range faster to stun. Usually a volibear stun will lead to a kill.
Giving the bug more sticking power is always good, since he already has the damage.
This champ has bad synergy with my brain cells I can't deal with these players anymore. Sometime I ban it when I play top because I hate it on my team and I hate blue kayn walking in after pressing q on camps the entire game and diving me under tower 100-0 with AoE abilities.
Criminal to play this in the jungle. His scaling is trash in jungle, his teamfight is so bad because he gets melted by anyone and god forbid there's an enchanter. Won't gank you, won't gank anyone. Will take farm but will do nothing with it. Can't even splitpush because he has to contest objectives. So bad.
Hello, I want to first explain why Ivern top is actually not that bad. First of all, Ivern has a lot of tools to prevent melee characters from getting to him, namely his root and his massive e shield and slow. Which lane has the highest concentration of melee characters? Top lane. While a lot of Ivern's best synergies are with the tanky bruiser tops, you could also argue that the jungle contains more characters that Ivern would rather use his e on because of the jungle having more mobility than your average toplaner. The longer lane is a blessing and a curse at the same time. You can abuse the longer lane to have daisy run down the enemy, capitalising on your E slow, leading to more kills. Compared with mid, your enemy is less safe. Ivern has a lot of setup for his own jungler consequently, however he is also prone to being ganked. Contrary to popular belief, Ivern's duels are actually very solid, especially for a support character. Daisy is basically a toplaner by design, immobile, tanky and has cc. Using this fact, you can support daisy as an enchanter and have her solo kill a lot of targets. You are conditionally very strong if your able to keep daisy alive while not being dived yourself, meaning a lot of matchups can be polarising.
Special strategies
If you win level 1 into a character, which you do into most tops bar ones that have an exceptionally strong level 1 like teemo, darius, etc. you can use this strategy to get a favourable trade. One advantage of this is that unlike teemo it is much less expected, meaning you can cheese people much easier. By placing a bush as follows, you mislead opponents into thinking that you are in that bush, when you are in fact next to them. This means that they are more likely to overextended, allowing you to proc electroctute, aery or comet and chunk them with bush empowered autos.If your laner dies, or goes for a tp play you can severely punish them with your amazing tower take, much like a yorick. In this image, Kayle makes the mistake of rotating to help her jungler and dying in the process. Look how many plates I have taken in the time it takes to get back to lane. With this big of a gold lead, her lane is functionally over. You shouldn't try and match people's tp players and just focus on taking plates, you will probably get more gold, they will miss xp and you will be able to tp back with an item advantage. If you get first tower, that's even better, more gold for your team.
Part 1 - Nothing here but uh stalks of grass.
Early game, you want to play passively. Your bushes are your best friends, use them to get empowered autos and auto the enemy whenever your comet/aery and manaflow are up for efficiency. You can play aggressive level 1 into certain matchups who can't actually abuse you, almost playing like a budget teemo. Level 2 you can also be fairly strong, just watch for champs who will trade you along the lane. You can play the wave two ways. In a matchup with strong early pressure, i.e. nasus, you can slow push the wave and crash it when the cannon wave comes (tip, auto the enemy and then tank the wave with E to waveclear and make your minions not take damage), allowing for a recall and to avoid any ganks. The second way to play is to play respectfully in your wave, since it is unlikely you will lose trades with E shield, minions and bush autos, especially if your running bone plating. Bait the enemy if they are stronger level 2 into hitting the wave and concede CS if necessary until you hit level 3 so you can disengage easier.
Ideally, you want to set up a scenario where you A. Crash the wave and have it slow push back so you can establish a freeze, or to conserve HP and tank the wave shoving into you with E to hold the wave in a freeze. The method depends on matchup, irelia will push with her Q for example so you can go for option 2, since she can't all in you under tower and is in a very bad position when the wave is frozen, she likely doesn't beat you without passive stacks too and can't Q you if you tether well next to your tower.
Part 2 - Daisy stampedes when everyone is watching.
If you have suvived until level 6, well done. Your character really becomes online now, able to solo kill with the assistance of Daisy. If you have TP, you can reset and pick up some AP items, or boots for more kiting potential. You want to have the enemy push to your side of the map, so Daisy can attack for a longer period of time. If you land a q, you should use r and then have Daisy run at the enemy across the lane, keeping her alive with e. If they decide to tunnel you, all you have to do is survive while Daisy keeps ticking at their health bar, if they kill you they will surive since Daisy dies too. Lets say the enemy goes for a TP play since they are bored and think the lane is over anyways, you can waveclear with e and have you and Daisy target the tower. Not only can daisy damage and tank the tower, your bush empowered autos work against towers. This means that AP on Ivern dramatically speeds up your tower take since it is not only affecting the base damage, but the bush empowerment and Daisy. You can shred towers really fast, to the surprise of many. You can also snowball lane very well suprisingly due to your E waveclear allowing you to waveclear safely with daisy and having massively positive trades whenever you land Q and chase with Daisy.
This is exactly why matchups like Irelia and Camille are bad, they can easily force or waste your R and then play passive. They don't exactly win while your R is active, not early that is, but once its forced, you can't actually fight them alone and they can very easily force a fight.
The reason why Daisy is so strong is because of your heightened gold income and XP, Daisy scales really well with levels and AP so playing top can lead to some funny moments where Daisy can easily solo a toplaners or a bot duo if micromanaged correctly.
Part 3 - It's reassuring how alone we aren't. I mean are.
Despite Ivern's quotes about playing with other people and not being alone, you have an important decision to make, should you teamfight or should you splitpush. If left uncontested, Ivern can destroy towers very quickly as mentioned before, and with Daisy he can also 1v1 a ton of characters. This can draw a lot of aggro, as people usually see Ivern as a free pick since he is immobile, however the fact he is immobile means there is a lot of power put into the rest of his kit. Ivern gets really good waveclear once his E can kill casters quickly, and Daisy can help too. If you are chased, you should make a decision if you should fight or run. If you run, use your triggerseed and root to stall and make distance from your enemy. You can also tether far away from the tower if you find yourself in danger and use Daisy to splitpush, giving you a lot of safety relative to other splitpushers. Ivern is also a strong teamfighter, able to peel with his kit and tank with Daisy. Since most toplaners are pretty bad at teamfighting you should win a lot more fights with Ivern, since he just brings more to the table.
This is a hard decision to make since Ivern's teamfighting is excellent, but his ability to draw pressure is also excellent. You should consider who can match you when splitting and decide if you should be the one to split. If you have a strong mid or jungler, you can let them sidelane instead. This is a good strategy as you have an XP lead from being a toplaner, allowing your camps to be claimed almost instantly and providing buffs to your team. Main things to look out for is for assassin mid/junglers who can delete you, since Ivern likes his long trades with Daisy this can prove challenging when an assassin 1 taps you in 0.01 seconds, you can use shield to mitigate some damage but serpent's fang woud ruin your day. Highly mobile toplaners can also prove challenging, as in burst mobility not high move speed characters. Irelia and Camille come to mind. You should focus on teamfighting because these characters will not target you in a teamfight, or at least it is much harder due to Irelia's lack of a wave and Camille usually having a better target since you are fairly survivable with your shield and cc, or so she thinks. Aim to peel your carries from the two and shut them down with cc from root and Daisy. You out-teamfight these champs hard IMO so you should force them to group with their team rather than answering a splitpush.
I will add more matchup info as I play more games. I need to refine the playstyle, as I think my runes, summoner spells and items are pretty solid by now, its just the mentality behind this strategy.
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