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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Champion Build Guide
About this guide
I am a Master Irelia main on EUW server, and this is going to be constantly updated guide regarding best builds on Irelia.
Currently, there are 3 good mythic items which also define 3 different builds (Divine, Trinity Force and JakSho). Every one of these builds offers decent damage with 2+ attack speed, they only differ in the type of tankiness they provide (some give more health, some give more healing, some give more resistances etc).
Each of the builds has unique strengths and weaknesses, pick them accordingly:
This is a high HP build with decent damage that provides good anti-burst potential with Steraks Gage and high movement speed. It also supports Thornmail/Randuin's Omen to counter some champions. Weaker sustain than other builds.
This is the lowest HP build out of the 3, but it has the highest amount of healing/sustain. Damage is same as with the Trinity build. Supports Frozen Heart.
JAKSHO: Highest DPS build that also maxes out on resistances. It has the highest attack speed and tabis to counter some auto attackers, but be very careful with this build as you will have 0 tenacity.
Currently, there are 3 good mythic items which also define 3 different builds (Divine, Trinity Force and JakSho). Every one of these builds offers decent damage with 2+ attack speed, they only differ in the type of tankiness they provide (some give more health, some give more healing, some give more resistances etc).
Each of the builds has unique strengths and weaknesses, pick them accordingly:
This is a high HP build with decent damage that provides good anti-burst potential with Steraks Gage and high movement speed. It also supports Thornmail/Randuin's Omen to counter some champions. Weaker sustain than other builds.
This is the lowest HP build out of the 3, but it has the highest amount of healing/sustain. Damage is same as with the Trinity build. Supports Frozen Heart.
JAKSHO: Highest DPS build that also maxes out on resistances. It has the highest attack speed and tabis to counter some auto attackers, but be very careful with this build as you will have 0 tenacity.
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