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Ability Order
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
This is an odd Irelia build with a great explanation to it. You may look at it and think, wait I would use this build for the likes of ezreal. Think again, this is one of the most powerful Irelia builds ever.
You want to have a tank in your lane, preferably one with a high damage output, like olaf. You want to avoid a lane with two ranged champions because they can harass you and this is the worst thing that can happen to Irelia. You want your tank to draw the enemies towards him so you can deal damage without taking it.
You should never be scared of going into fights, Irelia has extremely high burst damage and with lifesteal from her bloodthirster later on you are going to gain health rather than lose it. In teamfights you are almost guaranteed a kill on those pesky escaping enemies with your ulti, it deals high damage and at range so you don't have to worry about being killed by that high damage melee like yourself. Later on in the game she is a great pusher and shreds through turrets, she is a carry at best.
Can 1v1 with low health and come out with more
High burst damage
Really easy to last hit, most enemies don't get away.
Needs a tank in lane, or someone who can lure them towards her.
Hard to play against people who harass.
Easily ganked.
Teemo in lane.
Can 1v1 with low health and come out with more
High burst damage
Really easy to last hit, most enemies don't get away.
Needs a tank in lane, or someone who can lure them towards her.
Hard to play against people who harass.
Easily ganked.
Teemo in lane.
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