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Ability Order
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
I'm an experienced Irelia player and this build really works for me.
Greater Mark of Desolation: Armor Pen can never hurt on an assassin! These runes are used along side Kitae's Bloodrazer to cut through enemy champions like butter!
Greater Seal of Might: Some extra attack damage? Why not? This, however, is the only one that I recommend molding to your personal build. The attack damage adds some umph to your champs.
Greater Glyph of Alacracity: Attack Speed Irelia... Nuff said.
Greater Quintessence of Desolation: MOAR ARMOR PEN PL0X
Greater Seal of Might: Some extra attack damage? Why not? This, however, is the only one that I recommend molding to your personal build. The attack damage adds some umph to your champs.
Greater Glyph of Alacracity: Attack Speed Irelia... Nuff said.
Greater Quintessence of Desolation: MOAR ARMOR PEN PL0X
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