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Twitch Build Guide by A_Grain_of_Rice

Is Jungle Twitch Really Possible?

Is Jungle Twitch Really Possible?

Updated on April 4, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author A_Grain_of_Rice Build Guide By A_Grain_of_Rice 2,156 Views 0 Comments
2,156 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author A_Grain_of_Rice Twitch Build Guide By A_Grain_of_Rice Updated on April 4, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Chapter 1

<Notes on Builds> Get Executioner's Calling is a great item for twitch since it hasn't been Nerfed and it does bleeding effect and becuz it have the highest lifesteal as of now. This item will help Twitch alot on his jungling since he so "Squishy". As for Runes and Spells, i only sugest that you use heal because of early ganks with low HP from jungle and because twitch doesnt have so much HP to begin with. for runes, if you cant sustain your HP when jungling then i suggest taking another Life steal rune. If the build looks weird to you because there's no Phantom Dancer, it's because i restrain myself from using any OP items or champs that i would hate if used against me, but feel free to change it up alittle bit. To me it just feel better to know that you Raping kids and your not using items that every1 else is using or anyhting OverPowered.
<Tips> For me Starting out jungle Twitch requires a well from your team members. Start at wolves and ask a teammate to help you kill it so that your not wasting to much HP on jungling and end up having none to gank (Remember not to use Smite on these but instead save it for Blue buff). After killing wolves you should at least have 3/4 HP or full if your leash was tanked my teammate. Head to Blue buff and make sure that your teamate help you with at least 1/2 of the Golems HP, then Smite it (By the end of that you should be Lvl.2). Grab Expunge at lvl and head to mid lane and gank, making sure that you go invis first and is behind them(but not in turret vision range) and your Mid player is ready for gank. This Technique works 80-90% of the time depending on if they have flash or not. If you fail not worries... walk away, go invis, and wait for another opurtunity because they would just think your heading back to jungle.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author A_Grain_of_Rice
A_Grain_of_Rice Twitch Guide
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