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Ability Order
Relentless Assault (PASSIVE)
Jax Passive Ability
I don't know how this idea came to my mind but when i tried it it worked! (I still don't know how)
But enough talking let's talk about our friend Jax
Well the gameplay is simple: farm, kill and don't die. Simple right? Well no, first of all you should mute everyone because they will flame at you for picking Jax ADC well they just don't know the
. When you mute them do standard ADC stuff. And then show them what you've got.
Well this is enough
for today. I'm sorry this was so short but i don't have more
to share with you :( but still, if you have found something wrong please let me know down in the comments section. Goodbye for now.
Side note: This build can be used in other lane expect jungle... Please don't use it on jungle
Side note: This build can be used in other lane expect jungle... Please don't use it on jungle
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