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Jayce Build Guide by 1xaxnxax1

AD Carry Jayce - ad carry

AD Carry Jayce - ad carry

Updated on September 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 1xaxnxax1 Build Guide By 1xaxnxax1 1,848 Views 0 Comments
1,848 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author 1xaxnxax1 Jayce Build Guide By 1xaxnxax1 Updated on September 21, 2012
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Early game

Early game just last hit minions. When you get level 2 you can harass your opponent with "e" "q" (cannon)combo cuz it make so much dmg. After couple of combos enemy team's carry is low and you can easily get him down.
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When you get level 3 try always farm with hammer cuz its lightning field's ("w") passive is that every basic attack restore mana. Of course if you have full mana you can use cannon.
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In fights

When i play jayce i usually harass first my opponent before i go kill him, so i just trow couple of "e"+"q"(cannon) combo then i use my "w" and change to hammer jump to my opponent with "q", use my "w", then couple of basic attacks and finish with hammer's "e".
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Need escape

when you need escape. Use your ultimate every time you can. use cannon's "e" and run through its cuz it gives movement speed for you. If someone like jax leap to you use hammer's "e" and pull him away from you. You can also use cannon's "e" at golem, change to hammer and jump to golem with "q".
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Thanks if you use my build. If you don't get clear from something ask me about it cuz i can't write english very well. :) This is only my second guide so this isn't as good as someones else guide. But i hope that u like this build and it help you.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author 1xaxnxax1
1xaxnxax1 Jayce Guide
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Jayce - ad carry

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