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Ability Order
For Runes I take:
3x Greater Quintessence of Strength, those will increase your damage by alot and makes your farming alot easier, you are also able to win some 1on1's with these Quintessences.
9x Greater Glyph of Replenishment to semi-spam your spells on laine, those will give you enough Mana-Regen do constantly have enough Mana after holding of a Gank or Engage fights.
9x Greater Seal of Resilience: This is kind of simple to explain, most of your Top-Lain enemys are gonna be based on AD so those runes will lower their damage output on you.
9x Greater Mark of Desolation are for the minimal amount of AD that can be most likely be swapped with Crit or Armor Marks if you want to.
3x Greater Quintessence of Strength, those will increase your damage by alot and makes your farming alot easier, you are also able to win some 1on1's with these Quintessences.
9x Greater Glyph of Replenishment to semi-spam your spells on laine, those will give you enough Mana-Regen do constantly have enough Mana after holding of a Gank or Engage fights.
9x Greater Seal of Resilience: This is kind of simple to explain, most of your Top-Lain enemys are gonna be based on AD so those runes will lower their damage output on you.
9x Greater Mark of Desolation are for the minimal amount of AD that can be most likely be swapped with Crit or Armor Marks if you want to.
Never forgett, farming is the key for a good late and Midgame. Try to concentrate on farming alot when playing Jayce.
My farm tips:
At about lvl 7 hit the last 3 Caster Minions with auto attacks and use your To The Skies/Shock Blast to kill them at the same time.
When pushed back to tower, simply use your Hyper Charge to clear the minons easy.
My farm tips:
At about lvl 7 hit the last 3 Caster Minions with auto attacks and use your To The Skies/Shock Blast to kill them at the same time.
When pushed back to tower, simply use your Hyper Charge to clear the minons easy.
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