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Jayce Build Guide by septdeez

Jayce My way to solo top

Jayce My way to solo top

Updated on July 14, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author septdeez Build Guide By septdeez 1,624 Views 0 Comments
1,624 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author septdeez Jayce Build Guide By septdeez Updated on July 14, 2012
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This is my first guide so it won't be as in depth as some other out there but I will give my thoughts where I can. Any tips or suggestions are appreciated.

Jayce is a great champ with tons of flexibility. He can dominate any lane. Lets have a look.
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for top lane I go with Greater Quintessences of Swiftness, Greater Marks of Strength, Greater Seals of Resilience, and Greater Glyphs of Warding. These allow me to survive in top lane and when I poke the enemy enough I have the extra speed to catch them and finish them.
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For masteries I go 9/21/0 Taking the physical damaging abilities and adding much needed survivability from the defense tree. I will break these down more in further updates.
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For Items I start with boots and 3 health pots. Then pick up a doran's blade and a ruby crystal. The dorans will give you some life steal to augment your health and help you stay in lane longer. Then build into Phage, followed by sheen, and then finish your Trinity Force. Next build a Giant's Belt at this point you need to assess the other team if you need the health build into a warmogs if you are doing well then build into a Sunfire Cape. The reason for the cape is to boost your aoe damage which Jayce excels at, plus you are gonna be in the thick of it anyway. Then I build a Phantom Dancer the increased crit and damage are always a plus. At this point if you havent won yet build into Madreds Bloodrazor. Then swap out the doran's for either a Black Cleaver or a Bloodthirster to your preference. Also add Tiamat for splash if your enemies clump up.
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Summoner Spells

I take Flash and Ignite to allow for finishing off enemies or fleeing if need be. Ignite also helps reduce the healing on the champs with life steal or spell vamp.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author septdeez
septdeez Jayce Guide
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Jayce My way to solo top

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