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Jayce Build Guide by J-BOXES

Jayce The Bruiser

Jayce The Bruiser

Updated on August 21, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author J-BOXES Build Guide By J-BOXES 2,092 Views 0 Comments
2,092 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author J-BOXES Jayce Build Guide By J-BOXES Updated on August 21, 2012
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Hello summoners. This build for Jayce is quite quick and should be done between 30 and 40 minutes. Also the great thing about this build is that even if you are doing okay but not really getting fed, you will still get to it before 40 minutes. This Jayce you will be able to do a lot of burst damage and one combo kills. When you are fighting you will most likely be in hammer stance and all your defense stats would be raised. Magic resist will be around 101, and defense will be at around 180. Now you are not completely squishy, you have moderate defense that will stand for battles. You would have to be patient early game, farm minions, and only attack at right moments. Since in this build we do not go for the traditional potions boots start. You will have heal instead of potions, so use it wisely. If you are a very aggressive player early on this build is not for you. Just around early mid game you will be able to do serious damage with combos, and slip in some kills.
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Standard runes. Attack power, magic resist, and defense nothing special.
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Heavy ability masteries as early on you will take serious damage with the cannon. Basic defenses.
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Okay so here is where things get different and where most people will disagree with me, but don't knock it until you try it. The first item you will start with will be Amplifying stone, which you will upgrade to kages lucky pick right away. Now the reason for this is because you get an early 25 ability power and you get 5 gold every 10 seconds. Now you will hold on to this for quite some time until you upgrade kage to deathfire grasp. But you will not do that right away. When the time comes to upgrade it, you would have earned 1000g from kage lucky pic. Then you will get Boots, and go straight for the heart of gold. This would give you additional health and 5 gold every 10 seconds. So now you are getting 2 gold every second instead of 1. Then you get mercury treads. Then you will easily get sheen. These starter items will set you for early game, and you will be ahead of everyone since they are still stuck on getting their items after boots, when you already have 4. Next up get BFF sword so you can build it into the cleaver which will give you good amount of attack power and attack speed. Next up build into the guisoo rage blade which is quit cheap and you can get quickly. It will give you attack damage and ability. At this point you should be taking A LOT OF DAMAGE ON EVERYONE, and can get many kills and become fed. Now you will go for trinity force which will take some time,but you want to increase your defenses, at the same time still powering up your strength. Remember Kage lucky pic, yup now that you earned around 900-1000 gold from it, you can upgrade it to deathfiregrasp which will give you 90 ability power. Now you are extremely op at this point, but still a bit squishy. So your next and final item will be Randium omen which can be made by upgrading heart of gold, which will give you 100 defense. you will have stable defenses. Sometimes you will have the build and still have thousands of gold to spare, and still some time left in the match. So in this case sell guisoon blade and upgrade to hetex gunblade
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League of Legends Build Guide Author J-BOXES
J-BOXES Jayce Guide
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Jayce The Bruiser

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