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Jayce Build Guide by Skyline01

Jayce The Conqueror

Jayce The Conqueror

Updated on July 18, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skyline01 Build Guide By Skyline01 4,442 Views 0 Comments
4,442 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Skyline01 Jayce Build Guide By Skyline01 Updated on July 18, 2012
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The conqueror Jayce one of the funnest champion out their. You pull off some crazy combos and kill your enemy's in a flash with the right set-up.
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+ 0.95 Attack Damage
It will give you a very good amount of damage at the start of the game to have a lead in damage against your opponent.

+ 2.25 Attack Damage
Will give you suck a HUGE lead at level 1. You would be doing so much more damage than your opponent :D .

+ 1.41 Armor
This would help you out a lot as well from level 1 and give you a little bit of tankiness :P

+ 0.15 Magic Resist Per/Level

This would help you out a lot against any ability based champions. Also why have per lever instead of flat resistance is because magic resistance is not too needed at the start of the game but would become seriously handy to have more to the end of the game.
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Summoner Spells


Teleports your champion toward your cursor's location. 265 second cooldown.

Flash is a very very useful skill that is vital to Jayce's survival. A lot of time i would get ganked because after you get to a high you are just so op so flash is a very easy way out and also for a much higher chance to get away MAKE SURE to flash through a wall.


Ignites target enemy unit, dealing 70-410 true damage (depending on champion level) over 5 seconds and reduces healing effects on the target for the duration. 180 second cooldown.

Once you are level 6, ignite could be very very useful for ganks in a lane. Take down a lot of damage over time as you are attacking the enemy for a quick clean kill.
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Skill Sequence

The BEST skill sequence to have for Jayce is actually very simple and doing so much damage to the enemy. Always start of by ranged form with Jayce's if you are going to attack an opponent then change to close range.
E -->Q -->W -->R -->Q -->W -->E

Also make sure when you are at the start to shoot Q Through E to do crazy amount damage and have an crazy range

By now if the enemy is still not dead REPEAT from the start to finish them off ALSO if the enemy is trying to run make sure to use Accelerate Gate to catch up the enemy
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Skyline01
Skyline01 Jayce Guide
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Jayce The Conqueror

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