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Jayce Build Guide by xXHigHtekXx

AD Carry Jayce - The Double Weapon Man

AD Carry Jayce - The Double Weapon Man

Updated on September 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXHigHtekXx Build Guide By xXHigHtekXx 1,753 Views 0 Comments
1,753 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xXHigHtekXx Jayce Build Guide By xXHigHtekXx Updated on September 20, 2012
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You ever wanted to get more kills with Jayce? You just got assists? Or died very often?
Then you are right here. I want you to play Jayce really good! I play Jayce now since he came out and I enjoy playing him :)
So now I want you to present my first guide, and you know it allready, it's about Jayce - "The defender of tommorow".
You can put suggestions for improvement into the comments. Please don't be to hard to me, it's my first guide :)
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First I want to explain something about the items.

We start with normal shoes, 2 Heal potions and 1 Mana potion.
Useful in the beginning because you have more movement speed to run away or to chase somebody.

Next is one Vampiric Scepter and the Berserker's Greaves. The Scepter you'll need for your first bloodthirster.
And that is the next thing you'll have to buy: Your first Bloodthirster.
Then buy a second Bloodthirster and a Phantomdancer. After that again one Bloodthirster, so you have 3 now.
Another Phantomdancer will increase you movement speed and your attack speed.
then you can sell your shoes and purchase a Infinity Edge, so your critical strikes make 250% instead of 200% damage of the normal.
If you want you can alternative buy a Black Cleaver or a Frozen Mallet.
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We need very much AD, so I just put 3 times AD runes and the seals are for armor, because you play Solo-Top most time in good teams with junglers.
So you can start with about 15 increased armor and about 20 more damage.
And that is not only useful in start game, it's also in late game.
So there is nothing more to say :)
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Masteries I just play a normal 21-9-0 , but if you want, you can go more defensive (also helpful in the beginning of the game) with a 9-21-0.
Nothing more to say here, too :)
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Skill Sequence

First you have to skill you q to 5.
So allways take ulti if you can, then the q and if you can't skill w, but in the beginning one time the q and then once the e. You need it in the beginning at 1 to shoot your q through it.
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Summoner Spells

The q is your main spell. Try to shoot it often through the e, because it's doing more damage then and has a increased speed and range.
If you have the hammer jump to them with your q and run around to kick them to your team mates with e.
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All in One Jayce is a really good AD char - I think the best :) - but you really need a good minion farm, also in late game, to increase the damage and the lifesteal of your 3 bloodthirsters.
It will take a while to go good with him. For example you can first shoot q and then put e there to let the enemies think it don't reaches them first but then it's going to do :)
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Pros / Cons


- Good on a solo lane
- High damage
- Fast tower pushing
- You can support your teammates with your e
- Farming is easy in late-game
- can do area affected damage with his q and w with the hammer
- Has 8 spells with sepperate cooldowns
- Can regain mana


- May be focused in teamfights
- Mana is empty fast
- Someone maybe call you one-hit-hacker because of the high damage :D
- Hard to play against someone like Morgana or Twitch (I speak out of experience)
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That's all! :)

Now that is all to know first.
If you have more ideas say them to me, or if you find mistakes just tell them ;)
And please don't be to hard, remeber it's my first LoL guide.

Thank you for reading that. :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xXHigHtekXx
xXHigHtekXx Jayce Guide
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Jayce - The Double Weapon Man

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