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Jayce Build Guide by Captain Muni

AD Offtank Jayce - The Lane Bully

AD Offtank Jayce - The Lane Bully

Updated on October 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Captain Muni Build Guide By Captain Muni 1,897 Views 0 Comments
1,897 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Captain Muni Jayce Build Guide By Captain Muni Updated on October 29, 2012
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Hi folks,
this is my very first guide, but before we start I want to apologize my bad english :/

Jayce is my main Toplaner and I prefer playing him as the Frontline-Offtank.
I might edit this introduction and the whole guide sometimes, but for now it should be enough :P
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I prefer flat AD marks and quintessences for the damage, flat armor seals and MR per lvl glyphs for the tankiness.
I'm pretty sure Apen runes are a great opportunity.
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I go on 21/9/0 because I need the damage output to bully the toplane from early on.
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Pros / Cons

strong harass
great sustain after Wriggle's Lantern
good poke with Q-E-combo in ranged form
good CC with Q and E in melee form
E (melee form) can interupt ultis like Katarina's
is able to counter Darius!

late game poke won't be that strong with this build
must be careful against Maokai ganks
very mana wasteful if you dont use your passive in melee form correctly
doesn't have a nice skin... :'(
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I haven't finished my guide yet, please post me some tips and tricks to improve my guide if you have some.

~~Captain Muni
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Captain Muni
Captain Muni Jayce Guide
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Jayce - The Lane Bully

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