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Jhin Build Guide by SVKGuardian

JhinBro |1,2,3,4, another Rep (Guide in Progress)

JhinBro |1,2,3,4, another Rep (Guide in Progress)

Updated on May 12, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SVKGuardian Build Guide By SVKGuardian 3,287 Views 0 Comments
3,287 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SVKGuardian Jhin Build Guide By SVKGuardian Updated on May 12, 2024
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Grasp of the Undying

Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


We're Going To Travel
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

JhinBro |1,2,3,4, another Rep (Guide in Progress)

By SVKGuardian
We're Going To Travel
Hi guys, my name is Darilin.
I've been playing League of Legends since Season 1, always with a passion for exploring the game in unconventional ways.
My approach is all about thinking out of the box and trying to make it work, which is exactly what you'll find on my YouTube channel.

This time I bring you build from my recent video about fighter Jhin TOP.
Please note, not everything I say may be 100% accurate—these guides represent my personal viewpoint. Consider this more as a source of inspiration rather than a strict manual.


One Two Thre Four
Jhin's hand cannon has a fixed attack speed and can be fired 4 times before needing to be reloaded. The 4th shot always critically strikes, and deals 15 / 20 / 25% of the target's missing health as physical damage.

In addition:
- Jhin gains 4−44% (+0.3% per 1% critical strike chance) (+0.25% per 1% bonus attack speed) attack damage as bonus attack damage
- Jhin's critical strikes deal 14% less damage but grant him 14% (+0.4% per 1% bonus attack speed) movement speed for 2 seconds.


I catch a Grenade For Youuu
Jhin launches a cartridge that deals 44 / 69 / 94 / 119 / 144 (+60% of ability power) (+0.44 / 0.515 / 0.59 / 0.665 / 0.74% per attack damage) physical damage before bouncing to a nearby enemy that has not been hit yet.

The cartridge can hit a maximum of 4 times. Enemies that die shortly after being hit increase the damage of subsequent hits by 35%.


Hitbox Unknown
Jhin fires a long range shot dealing 60 / 95 / 130 / 165 / 200 (+0.5 per attack damage) physical damage to the first champion hit, which is reduced by 25% against minions.

If this skill strikes a champion that has been damaged by an allied champion within the last 4 seconds, it will root them for 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 seconds and grant Jhin Whisper's movement speed.


It's A TRAP !
Passive: Champions Jhin kills will create and detonate a Lotus Trap at their location.

Active: Jhin places an invisible Lotus Trap for 3 minutes that creates a zone that slows by 35% when stepped on by an enemy. After 4 seconds, the trap detonates, dealing 20 / 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 (+100% of ability power) (+1.2 per attack damage) magic damage.

This ability has 2 charges.


Missing is Promising
Jhin sets up and channels, enabling him to fire 4 super shots, each dealing between 64 / 154 / 244 (+0.25 per attack damage) and 200 / 500 / 800 (+1.0 per attack damage) physical damage to the first champion hit depending on their percentage of missing health and slowing them by 80% for 0.5 seconds. The fourth shot critically strikes for 100% bonus physical damage.

Why you should try this build
Motivation for playing this build:

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League of Legends Build Guide Author SVKGuardian
SVKGuardian Jhin Guide
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JhinBro |1,2,3,4, another Rep (Guide in Progress)

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