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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Southern Friend

Tank [JUNGLE] Cho´Gath Guide

Tank [JUNGLE] Cho´Gath Guide

Updated on November 2, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Southern Friend Build Guide By Southern Friend 1,751 Views 0 Comments
1,751 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Southern Friend Cho'Gath Build Guide By Southern Friend Updated on November 2, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Hi guys this is my first guide on MOBAfire. I hope u will enjoy it.
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I prefer swiftness quints because i always want to be a very fast lane ganker and i want to cast my rupture into feral scream as soon as possible.
My recommendation is to use red attack speed marks, because with them i can clear monster camps much faster.
But u can also use magic penetration marks if u want to deal more damage while ganking.
Magic resist per lvl glyphs are useful because u don´t get magic damage in the jungle.
The seals are standart.
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I prefer the utility tree, because your buff hold on much longer and u can gank faster with the movement skill.

I don´t really like Bladed Armor in the defense tree, because sometimes it could happen that u steal the blue buff from the mid laner.
I use inititor to gank faster and cooldown reduction to cast my rupture and feral scream faster.

You can use the offensive tree if u want to deal more damage(in this case i prefer magic pen).
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I start with boots and pots to stay longer in jungle and gank faster.
After that i buy GP5 items and not a lantern, because u earn much more gold with GP5 items than with the lantern.
I always want to be a tank in the jungle so i start getting more tanky by buying frozen heart and aegis of legion for my team.
Normally i buy GA in the late game, so u can revive and kill much more enemys ;).
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Skill Sequence

I start skilling my E and continue with Q and W, because i want to have all my three spells at lvl 3.

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Summoner Spells

It´s obvious why i use smite, because i can get my first blue buff much faster
and i can smite + ult baron and make up to 1800 damage this would be a safe baron.

I always use flash, because u can escape easy and initiate fights by flashing and Qing.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Southern Friend
Southern Friend Cho'Gath Guide
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[JUNGLE] Cho´Gath Guide

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