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Kayle Build Guide by brob

Other Jungle Kayle On hit effect master

Other Jungle Kayle On hit effect master

Updated on April 9, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author brob Build Guide By brob 2,217 Views 0 Comments
2,217 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author brob Kayle Build Guide By brob Updated on April 9, 2015
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About this build

This is my first guide and I have never seen another player build anything similar to this on jungle kayle (and have had great success in high-gold/low platinum elos with it). The idea of this build is to create an on-hit effect kayle which synergizes greatly with her skillset. Has a relatively weak early game but my jungle route is Gromp-Blue buff-Red buff, then recall and and you should be able to clear with relative ease. Try to rush devourers as soon as possible so that you can start stacking it and then build wits end or runaans next, wits end if there are small skirmishes and runaans if teamsfights are breaking out. By late game you should be a monster having 30+ stack on devourer (which is fairly easy to accomplish) and full build allows you to do 183 attack damage to primary target (99 to other 2) plus 161 magic damage (which is low considering by full build you should have more than 30 stacks) plus 8% of the targets current health, plus apply 3% armor/mr shred, plus stealing 5MR on hit along with a 30% slow all to 3 different targets while having 2.34 attacks speed. This can also be increased with red buff (true damage+slow to 3 targets) and AP elixir doing a true damage burn and increasing AP. In addition to damage you are able to deal you have 2.8k health and >100MR and just under 100 armor making you relatively tanky (especially considering you can ult/heal yourself) and with the slow you apply and furor boots you should be able to kite most opponents as well (or chase them down in a winning fight). The only downside I have found with this build is the delay between being able to use your e (can be reduced using CDR runes instead of MR/lvl) but fighting at the right time can help to avoid this downtime along with the CDR gained from blue buffs. Sorry for the large block of text as well will try to improve on this guide when I can.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author brob
brob Kayle Guide
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