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Sion Build Guide by Spiral25

Jungle Sion W/O Smite

Jungle Sion W/O Smite

Updated on January 30, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spiral25 Build Guide By Spiral25 2,687 Views 0 Comments
2,687 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Spiral25 Sion Build Guide By Spiral25 Updated on January 30, 2012
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Hello Everybody,

This is my first guide at mobafire so if i left something out or did the Level-Up Skills wrong(in the order you can choose them). So feel free to rate and comment, Thank you!
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Jungling W/O Smite

So, you are jungler without smite.How do you do this?

It is simple , just follow my next stepts:

1. Start with the Death'S Caress skill and with an Vampiric Scepter.
2. Go to blue and wait for minions.Ask your mid ally player to pull your blue.
3. Just before the minions at mid interract press W for shield , and after your ally pulls blue start hitting golem.
4. Every time the shield is at low hp press W again (if possible) to do some damage.

5. Clean up your whole Jungle before u go for first gank.(You don't need to go base for gank , but you definetly need your BLUE)
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Pros / Cons


-Ganks much better
-You can run better with ghost and exhaust on the player who is chasing u


-Jungle a little more slower
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Spiral25
Spiral25 Sion Guide
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Jungle Sion W/O Smite

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