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Gangplank Build Guide by Markonyy20

JunglePlank Guide [WIP]

JunglePlank Guide [WIP]

Updated on July 24, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Markonyy20 Build Guide By Markonyy20 2,971 Views 0 Comments
2,971 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Markonyy20 Gangplank Build Guide By Markonyy20 Updated on July 24, 2011
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Hello, my name is Markonyy20 and I play on the EU server. I am quite low-elo, so I am sorry if this guide is not competent in High-Elo. This is my JunglePlank.
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I recommend using these runes, as they give you enough armour penetration which will help you with your jungling, and with your ganks. The attack speed runes also help alot, but if needed, MRes runes can be used here. The armour runes are obvious seeing as every jungler needs the early defense.
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These are the masteries I juse for pretty much every AD jungler.
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I feel like all of these items synergise very well with Gangplank. The Wriggles Lanter is an obvious choice seeing as hes a jungler and the lifesteal is quite good untill later in game when you get your Bloodthirster. JunglePlanks core items are Wiggles - TriForce - Infinity Edge. After getting your IE, you can either go for a Yomumu Ghostblade, or if you need defence, build a Bansee's Veil.
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Creeping / Jungling

Jungle Route:
Buy a Cloth Aromur and 5x HP Pots, then go to step 1, you should only use 1 HP Pot on all 3 steps, so you should be left with 2 HP Pots when you finish all 3 steps. After doing step 1, 2 and 3 go back, buy Boots of Speed. Then go to step 4 and use 1 HP Pot while killing the Blue Buff. After finishing step 4 go and gank one of the overextended lanes.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Markonyy20
Markonyy20 Gangplank Guide
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JunglePlank Guide [WIP]

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