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Vi Build Guide by luis56cr

Tank jungler vi

Tank jungler vi

Updated on June 17, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author luis56cr Build Guide By luis56cr 1,516 Views 0 Comments
1,516 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author luis56cr Vi Build Guide By luis56cr Updated on June 17, 2013
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early game

start at blue and rush ur lvl 3 at this lvl u should be able to kill red golem make sure u have a smite ready and start ganks at after golem
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mid game

rush ur lantern and after that get brutilzer and phage if not going to well get some tabi or mercenary boots depends on team..............
PS: remember never stop farming from jungle
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late game

once u start to get in team fights u should be tanky enought with frozen mallet, black cleaver, tabi, and some warmong to initiate a team fight.
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last things

atmas is a good idea once finish with warmong to get armor and some damage
if ur not doing good with end build u sell the lantern and add a item to ur need
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League of Legends Build Guide Author luis56cr
luis56cr Vi Guide
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jungler vi

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