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Junlging Shaco

Junlging Shaco

Updated on June 9, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author blades159 Build Guide By blades159 2,311 Views 1 Comments
2,311 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author blades159 Build Guide By blades159 Updated on June 9, 2011
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This is my first guide. Sorry I couldn't put chapters till now becuase I didn't have the time. I first played shaco because he was OP. My friend played him against me and he had fear, slow, invisable, and multiply. I was pissed because i almost beat him but he just killed everything whne i was brb.
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I choose Greater Mark of Furor becuase u are going to need crit and attack. So basicly most of theses runes are attack and crit. Attack runes help it so you can do extra damage early on. Crit is well for more crit damage.
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I choose the exp becuase I you are going to need exp faster. Junglers always need to have the exp masteries. I choose dm for well damage. U have some skills, so i got magic pentration and armor penentration.
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I choose theses items because I personally like like life steal. Black cleaver is good for attack. If you finish this build people will be like OMG so much dm. Ininity edge so more crit damage. Will update more later. U really odn't need sablitity becuase of ur q spel.
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Skill Sequence

For me first I set the jack in the box. Then i used deceive hit then ultimate then the slow.
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Creeping / Jungling

Well first I get the Jack and the box. I go to blue or red then place Jack and the boxes. Don't use your smith for the beginning. There are also some other ways. For example this video.
This is also a way where you start with red. It also shows ganking.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author blades159
blades159 Guide
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Junlging Shaco

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