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Karma Build Guide by Nikyre

AP Carry Karma Rework

AP Carry Karma Rework

Updated on March 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nikyre Build Guide By Nikyre 4,367 Views 0 Comments
4,367 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Nikyre Karma Build Guide By Nikyre Updated on March 29, 2013
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BE PAITENT, still experimenting and writing will have updated pages soon!
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Karma Rework ROCKS

I have got to say she is possibly the most fun ap champ i have played since Orianna. She has so much choices she can make in her build, spells and playstyles that she can fit into many situations. I will go over a brief overview of her abilities strategies and build styles so you can get started.
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Pros vs Cons

-Great utility (slow, root, shield, speed up, heals)
-Great poke (q short cd and has aoe, Mantra+E allows ranged poke)
-Great escapes (Shield provides move speed, root)
-Can bait enemies easily (shield, heal, root)

-Requires proper knowledge of when to mantra.
-Position oriented (don't be in front lines etc.)
-Skill shots and CD oriented (don't miss or miss click people)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Nikyre
Nikyre Karma Guide
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Karma Rework

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