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Kassadin... Why no kokonut ?

Kassadin... Why no kokonut ?

Updated on April 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Frosledtoast Build Guide By Frosledtoast 1,829 Views 1 Comments
1,829 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Frosledtoast Build Guide By Frosledtoast Updated on April 15, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



So, thats it. My kassadin build its there. I know that its no percfect but I always enjoy playing with this build and I always pwned some *** with it. I hope you will like as me and im sorry for my english ... I normaly speak french so if you don't understand what im saying.. sorry its my bad.

Enjoy it ! Frosledtoast
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Skill Sequence

Like you already saw, I i try to get null sphere lvl 5 soon as possible. The reason for this, its simply because its the best spell of kassadin and you want it to silence your enemys and kill them. At lvl 18 , with this build comlete, you will it like 800 dammage with null sphere and force pusle get them lvl 5 soon as possible. Nether blade its usefull but its not your main spell and you will not get all your kills because of it. try to get it lvl 5 at lvl 18 not before. for the ultimate, Riftwalk, lvl it each time its possile because its hit hard and its very useful combine with flash to escape of bad situation like being gank.
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For the items get ability power items, mana items and magic resit items. With Kassadin you want to hit hard but not die fast. So, ability power give the oportunity to hit hard, mana items give the power to non-stop cast and magic resit give you more resistance to enemy spell caster. If you have a lot of mana always gard a archangel's staff, its one of the best item for Kassadin. Rabadon's deatcap give you the orptunity to deal a lot of dammage in midle game and mush more in late game. If you get a archangel's staff always get a rode of ages to empower your archangel's staff effects.
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For masteries, I do a hard spell caster masteries tree because you always want to hit hard and get all the kill has possible to be fead in early game to get a full stuff build quikly.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Frosledtoast
Frosledtoast Guide
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Kassadin... Why no kokonut ?

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