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Kayle Build Guide by Diggindawg

AP Carry Kayle Build Season 4 - The Divine Nuker (Ap Mid)

AP Carry Kayle Build Season 4 - The Divine Nuker (Ap Mid)

Updated on December 10, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Diggindawg Build Guide By Diggindawg 11 4 390,771 Views 44 Comments
11 4 390,771 Views 44 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Diggindawg Kayle Build Guide By Diggindawg Updated on December 10, 2013
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Isolation (2) | December 8, 2013 5:08pm
I'm new to posting on mobafire, but I see it's a thing where people post their results, so I thought I'd post mine since I'd been playing.

Think you should definitely add Teleport for top Kayle as an option but I guess your build is mid.
Diggindawg | December 2, 2013 7:20pm
I don't feel the need to fight over nitpick things that I said, I honestly think it is somewhat ridiculous to explain EXACTLY how I keep the stacks up almost indefinitely but I will anyways.

First of all, Nashor's tooth makes it extremely easy to get to 8 stacks in just a few seconds. The stacks also last a long time until they fade away. it is almost impossible not to use spells which also keep the stacks up before you go into teamfights.

When a teamfight happens, you are probably killing minions first and then you go in. You do not just meet up in front of baron and agree to have a 5v5 - it never works that way. It is easy and hard to not have 8 stacks on rageblade before a teamfight starts.

On the other hand, if you are not actively keeping the stacks, you will have 0 stacks - of course. Im done arguing over nitpick details like such.
sirell (400) | December 2, 2013 6:48am
Keeping stacks up indefinitely...?

So what are you doing before a fight occurs, spamming W and E a lot to keep up your stacks? I can understand keeping the stats throughout a fight, but not at the start.

The 40 was a typo, I meant to type 70, but number pad OP.
Isolation (2) | December 2, 2013 6:32am
I've played a lot of games on Kayle, and I speak with experience that rageblade makes a strong impact in certain situations; the lifesteal/vamp is VERY effective, but gunblade is too expensive and relatively weak to be worthwhile. Lifesteal stat is very very important in splitpush situations and rageblade is simply the most effective means on mostly-AP Kayle (can't really go BoTRK unless you build on-hit or AD, the former which sucks, the latter which is defunct).

You say you might not get autos off. Yes of course, if you're in a team fight situation jockeying for position and rely on strong burst (Q + 1 auto proc of LB) then definitely it's far more important to focus on that. As I explained, rageblade is precisely for those situations when the game is not going that way, for when there is a lot of splitpushing and you need to duel. Rageblade is a far better item for dueling those threats I've listed many times hands down, it's just the mathematical fact of it. When you fight against a lifesteal stacked Jax/Riven/Yi/Aatrox, and so on, you're definitely going to get a lot of autos off, and because they rely on lifesteal, their BoTRK proc and their first few hits after jumping onto you is going to get them enough health back that you cannot finish them in one combo (unless you have them wayyy overfarmed), so you NEED some form of lifesteal and DPS boost to compete.

You keep bringing up scenarios where rageblade is clearly a bad item, and where I never argued it was, so what's the point?

If we're split pushing or countering split pushing against a Jax, because our toplaner did very poorly and cannot split push safely anymore, rageblade becomes a far better pickup than Lich Bane, for instance. The ability to solo Jax will allow you to defend or secure objectives or relieve pressure; if you don't have rageblade and you're not super overfarmed, you WON'T be able to solo a split pushing Jax, and requiring 2 players to deal with 1 threat is just not winning strategy. You can easily go back to Dcap Lichbane.

And what item list are you talking about? You can sell your Drings. Going just Boots Nashor's Rageblade Dcap LB is just 5 items, you can still buy GA, then sell rageblade for Voidstaff if you like. Voidstaff just isn't that strong until super late game when they have lots of MR, and even then it's not AS important on Kayle because she's hybrid and has innate penetration.

Also you got the maths wrong; Kayle's Q scales on AD as well as AP, and STOP saying dumb stuff, Kayle can keep 8 stacks up INDEFINITELY, have you ever actually used rageblade? Anyway, this means she will have always have 40 AP + 30 AD + 24 AP, that's equal to 94 extra damage on your Q NOT "40" that's just disingenuous math. Not to mention, AD has better scaling on your autos, and also the faster attack speed and the passive are VERY important. Don't pretend like your passive never procs. In 1v1 fights with bruisers, both players gets to half health VERY early when they unleash their burst (BoTRK, Jump, whatever), and it's precisely right after passive procs that kayle turns on ult and heals back to 75%+ health, giving her a huge edge in these fights. It has GREAT synergy with Kayle's ult. The passive is not some really rare thing that happens once a game you get rageblade; it procs very often in fight if you know when to time your ult, and you end up gaining massive stats for a very low price, vamp, and ability to continue pushing/rejoining fight with health after pushing a wave or two. When you're side pushing, you can actually keep your passive running after killing the opposing splitpusher (or forcing him to back) and heal to full entirely off creeps and have it activated while downing towers, and it increases your tower downing speed ridiculously.

It's like you haven't even really used rageblade on Kayle if you don't even know that Q procs off all these stats, that you can keep the 8 stacks up indefinitely, or that is has ridiculous synergy with Ult and lets you perform much better in duels. I don't know why you are so confident in what you're saying. It certainly is a very viable or in fact core pick on top Kayle, so how would it not be a situational pick on mid Kayle? It's picked by diamond 1 Kayle's too, so it's not like it's just me.

Seriously don't know what you mean by her not having enough slots. Only boots nashors lb and dcap are core. You definitely can fit in rageblade into the build.

The extra burst from NLR and Blasting wand isn't even actually much more than rageblade on the Q. It's just 120 over 94, 30 extra damage, and obv more if you finish deathcap, but the lifesteal and attack speed is worth a LOT more in the right situations.

Again 90% of the time dcap is much better, but I don't know why you're so stubborn against accepting that you deviate from core build sometimes.
sirell (400) | December 2, 2013 6:11am
I couldn't be bothered to read all you wrote, but what caught my eye was your apparent justification of your own rudeness.

Two wrongs DON'T make a right. Just because Drakon might have been rude is not a go-sign for you to be rude as well. There is nothing wrong with just politely asking him to elaborate and to give his reasoning instead of IMMEDIATELY derogatively calling him out to be 'silver trash'.

And I already said that the reason you don't buy Rageblade is because it doesn't substitute for anything Kayle's build. She already has 6-8 item that she will build pretty much every time, meaning that there's just no real room for Rageblade. Also, I think you said something about how I couldn't possible think that Nashor's+LB+Rageblade was worse than Nashor's+LB+NLR+ Blasting Wand (didn't fully read, just skimmed) and the fact of the matter is that I CAN say that. I might be able to hit the opponent with my Q, but I'm not guaranteed a hit with my E-empowered autoattacks. That's a 100% AP scaling, meaning 140 extra damage with Rod+Wand ignoring resistances, as opposed to 70 extra damage with the POSSIBILITY of following up with autoattacks. In other words, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. As an intermediate buy, it's VERY expensive.

It's the same for all the other champions who, on paper, can use Rageblade, like Tryndamere and Jax - there are just better items you can buy.
GrandmasterD (531) | December 2, 2013 6:03am
Isolation wrote:

In simpler terms, Rageblade is a hard counter pick-up to BoTRK, and should only be picked up if your main/only issue is a fed adc/bruiser with BoTRK.

Isolation (2) | December 2, 2013 5:58am
In simpler terms, Rageblade is a hard counter pick-up to BoTRK, and should only be picked up if your main/only issue is a fed adc/bruiser with BoTRK.
Isolation (2) | December 2, 2013 5:43am
And on "rudeness" I only did so to respond to his, which is the absurd arrogance and condescending way of saying "no" in response to long detailed posted detailing reasons and explanations backed up by experience... in fact, better experience. Because he has chosen to take a demeaning tone, he HAS in fact brought his own apparently superior knowledge into question, so me pointing it out is in response to HIM acting like he knows ****, because HE implied that he is somehow EXEMPT from providing reason before using a single word "no" to discredit several hundred words of reasoning. How is that NOT rude.

This is called subtext. Tell me this is not rude, tell me it's absolutely respectful to counter someone spending their time to give serious and reasoned arguments with nothing more than a "no". It was absolutely not out of line for me to call into question his lack of authority/superior experience when he assumed to have one.

As to what you called a noobtrap, I said as much from the very start, as I've quoted already; that does not mean it's not a viable item in certain situations.
Isolation (2) | December 2, 2013 5:38am
It's still absurd to me that someone who is so far away from top tier play assumes to make one-word comments that can defy all statistics and reason.

Rageblade's stacks can be kept up at about all times; Kayle should be fully stacked in every engagement, so you should actually count his first passive all the time; it's true his vamp passive is not up at all times, but her ult makes it a lot more effective than most other champions.

Like I said, Rageblade is an entirely situational pick, and it's a much better grab to counter a fed Riven/Udyr/Olaf/Yi/Jax/Vayne/Tryndamere than getting GA or any other item. There exist a (notably common) situation where rageblade is more effective than every other item in the game, therefore the item is notable as a situational pick. Getting NLR > DCap is not going to help Kayle deal with the champions mentioned if they are the ones getting all the farm, whereas mid has been hardcore denied all game. Furthemore building Dcap after rageblade is still a very valid (and in fact preferable) option, as the AP will still get increased by Dcap, all it does it delay Dcap somewhat. Rageblade is a very useful pickup mid game to fix a growing situation before going back the normal route; rageblade can be sold later anyway.

Fact is, if Kayle cannot duel (and unless more farmed, Kayle with just burst items CANNOT take down fed bruisers), and the rest of your team/your bruiser is very weak, Kayle will just not be able to roam and countergank effectively, which means she CANNOT fulfill her role as mid, which is to roam, counterjungle/protect jungle, and counter-roam, and otherwise secure objectives. Because of lack of mobility, Kayle NEEDS to be able to go toe to toe to a lot of the top lane carries, as she cannot harass/poke down, or run away after pushing the tower; she must be able to fight those champions off; bursting Yi down to half health and then ulting yourself is not going to save you from Yi, Jax, or Riven; he will just chase you down. With rageblade, you have a very cheap item that immediately lets you follow up your burst and kill them.

I have yet to see any counter argument as to why it's not effective in the situations described. You cannot legitimately think that Nashor's LB Rageblade is worse than Nashor's LB NLR + Blasting Wand at fighting against a fed jax/etc, in fact, even if you give Kayle Nashor's LB Deathcap, the burst variant will still do worse vs a hyper-carry bruiser if the bruiser has good farm. I'm talking about mostly solo invade and split pushing.

Generally speaking this should NOT be your job; it should be toplaner's, but there are cases where your toplaner is so behind they cannot fulfill that role anymore and instead should focus on team fights, in which case you become the splitpusher, and rageblade allows for theses switches. not to mention, it's not like getting rageblade suddenly stops you from also having burst, it just delays it somewhat, which, occasionally, can be a worthwhile sacrifice. Going straight Nashors LB DCap Voidstaff gives way more burst, that's the way it is, and it's much better with a coordinated team when you have your bruiser + adc doing sustained damage, and your goal should be to burst and ult, that's the perfect scenario, but not every game goes perfectly or straightforwardly, and in a game where splitpushing and lots of staggered skirmishes take place, rageblade becomes a great pickup as it allows Kayle to 1v1 anyone.

Rageblade can be picked up AFTER Nashor's LB Deathcap. It can be a better 5th item than voidstaff, especially if the opponents do not have too much MR. Also, if you're by far the most farmed, it's more important you survive/sustain your HP than anything, and rageblade allows you to heal back health from creeps and minions over fights, as well as perform better. You CAN keep both passive up for long periods of time (again the ult helps this during fights). Because Kayle is already hybrid, and already has innate penetration, the extra penetration on void staff as a last AP item helps Kayle in loading extra damage LESS than void staff does on other AP carries.

Rageblade's passive works VERY well with Kayle's ult; on the other hand, Kayle ult when fully committed to burst is mostly useful in team situations, because your burst is already offloaded, and won't be back until after the ult is over. There's no way in an aggressive confrontation with a jax/riven/etc that you can use Q + combo twice, and since 1 combo is not enough to kill these bruisers, that ult is not going to do much use, as a few autos, even with nashor's is not enough to finish them off. Ult that allows you to hit your passive, stay invul for 3-4 hits, vamp back your health, on the other hand, will allow you to turn around these engages long enough to get your second Q in.

Burst is a lot more effective when you're working with a jungler a lot more and they provide the CC and dps, and you provide the pick-offs. In a case where jungler is doing badly or diverted to bot lane, and you have to help deal with top lane, rageblade becomes an option to be aware of.

Nobody has yet to explain the high winrate on rageblade when picked. Obviously it's not the best pick or even a good pick the majority of the games (as I've explained), but the fact is WHEN it is picked in a situation it's good, it has a very high winrate, which proves that it is effective. What more do you want? It's more effective than voidstaff or abyssal scepter, in any case.
sirell (400) | December 1, 2013 8:28pm
Diggindawg wrote:

@Sirell - I figured that out after I posted - I decided to leave it so that he realizes that he should at least address people when he is directly responding to them.
I do understand that he was talking to isolation, however.

It was obvious he was addressing Isolation, since Isolation was the only one to bring up the matter of tier. So he did address them directly. Your apparent problem or qualm is non-existent.

Let's move back on-topic.
Diggindawg | December 1, 2013 8:00pm
@Sirell - I figured that out after I posted - I decided to leave it so that he realizes that he should at least address people when he is directly responding to them.
I do understand that he was talking to isolation, however.
sirell (400) | December 1, 2013 7:40pm
Janitsu was talking to Isolation, not you. If you read what was written in the thread, you'd know in relation to whom he was talking to.
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