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Ability Order
Divine Ascent (PASSIVE)
Kayle Passive Ability
Introduction to Ap Kayle - The Divine Nuker

I hope to lead you to many successes as AP Kayle Mid as I teach you how to nuke an enemy to death in just over 2 seconds.
As an APC, Kayle relies heavily on the amount of AP she has. This build easily provides over 600 AP, and with the help of these masteries, it could be much higher. The AP boosting masteries as well as the mana regen masteries are incredibly important to AP Kayle. One of the absolute most important masteries for Kayle is
Runic Affinity
as Kayle is extremely mana starved. This provides an entire extra half minute of mana regen and cd reduction - what could be the matter of living and dying. Do not overlook the utility masteries.

Many people may not think of runes as an important asset - they are. Runes are incredibly important to Kayle. Kayle, as stated prior, has low health but high damage. A kill or a death can be the matter of the runes. Kayle needs several
Greater Mark of Attack Speed runes to allow maximum harassment with
Righteous Fury in and out of lane. To cover for Kayle's lack of health, several
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist and
Greater Seal of Armor runes are necessary and are therefore considered above all other runes in their respective categories. The 3 [Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage]] or
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power are extremely helpful early game, allowing maximum farming and in some cases, securing that prized First Blood

As Kayle has a heal and a speed boost in using

Final Item
![]() |
Guardian Angel is also a fantastic item for Kayle. While it reduces the amount of total AP that she can have, it gives her a second life. With the short cooldown of ![]() |
Deathfire grasp is especially useful when fighting extreme tanks such as ![]() ![]() |
With Kayle, farming is easy -- too easy. Be careful not to push your lane too much in early game, it is far too easy to push and extremely difficult to not push. You need to farm as much as you can as this will determine how good you are late game when it matters. You should only use
Righteous Fury to farm as it is low cost in terms of mana while
Reckoning is far too costly to waste on minions. You should take Jungle monsters when the jungler is not (excluding the red buff). Farming after the lane phase is easy and distracting. It is important to get the most CS you can, but do not sacrifice your presence in team-fights for a few minions.

In Lane Phase
Kayle should play passively with occasional pokes until level 3-4. If Kayle has been constantly poking but not engaging in an actual fight, the enemy mid-lane will be lower on health than Kayle and has probably used most of their potions already. At this point, if the player is comfortable, Kayle can attack with

Kayle is ganked extremely easily. If both sides of the lane are not warded, Kayle can be caught out very easily and killed with no chance of escape - this should be avoided. Do not overextend into the lane until you are level 6 and have a much better chance at an escape plan. Push lane as little as possible - this means do not constantly attack with

Kayle is a great roamer. If you do end up pushing the lane (which is likely to happen) gank bottom or top if you are able. This both helps you and your other team-mates. It is unlikely that the other lanes will be expecting ganks from you which is why it works so well. If you roam to much, your lane WILL get pushed and you WILL lose your tower.
Kayle should not initiate team-fights. You will be forced to use your ultimate early and will then not be able to save your adc or other team-mates when necessary. When Kayle does join teamfights, she gets focused really hard. The other team wants you dead before you have time to use your

With Kayle, you need a high CS to stay good. If you do not have enough CS, you will not survive team-fights due to a lack of damage. Be sure to use

Note: If you are the most fed champion on your team, DO NOT waste your ultimate on anyone but yourself unless you are absolutely sure you will not need it. This may sound greedy, but it can be the difference between a win and a loss. If it is the end of the game and you have 600 AP, that 3 seconds of invincibility can be used to deal that 2610 magic damage that was mentioned before.
Good Matchups

Note - - - - - - there are many more matchup descriptions to come!
Kayle, when played right, is one of the most powerful champions that I have come across in the game. While she is over looked, she can carry teams very easily. It is important that you constantly heal team-mates, have the
crest of the ancient golem whenever possible, ult either yourself, the top lane, adc, or sometimes jungler - do not waste it on the support if you don't have to. Farm as much as possible - maximum CS is the key to victory.
Kayle can top - I advise against it strongly. Renekton, Nasus, Riven, Elise, and others can counter you very hard and make that game 45 minutes of hell.
If you follow this guide, you will find yourself killing enemy ADCs and mid-lanes in under 3 seconds. It sounds absurd, certainly - try it.

Kayle can top - I advise against it strongly. Renekton, Nasus, Riven, Elise, and others can counter you very hard and make that game 45 minutes of hell.
If you follow this guide, you will find yourself killing enemy ADCs and mid-lanes in under 3 seconds. It sounds absurd, certainly - try it.
This is my first guide and I am happy to present it on my most played on champion! I have dedicated a fair amount of time so that you can have a better experience play Kayle in season 4 as this is the first (#first) guide on Kayle for season 4.
I will continue to update this as I make improvements in my game play so that you too can do better with Kayle.
If you liked this guide, please give me a Thumbs up, it would be much appreciated!
If you dislike this guide and wish to give it a thumbs down, do so, but in doing so, please leave a comment or message me exactly what it is that I have done foolishly or wrong and I will fix it ASAP.
I hope this guide helps you in your gameplay!
PS: Situational guides for Kayle are in the near future! I will be working on Kayle builds for AD heavy vs AP heavy matchups, etc.
I will continue to update this as I make improvements in my game play so that you too can do better with Kayle.
If you liked this guide, please give me a Thumbs up, it would be much appreciated!
If you dislike this guide and wish to give it a thumbs down, do so, but in doing so, please leave a comment or message me exactly what it is that I have done foolishly or wrong and I will fix it ASAP.
I hope this guide helps you in your gameplay!
PS: Situational guides for Kayle are in the near future! I will be working on Kayle builds for AD heavy vs AP heavy matchups, etc.
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