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Kayle Build Guide by eZorkyna

AP Carry Kayle, the Judicator

AP Carry Kayle, the Judicator

Updated on August 4, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author eZorkyna Build Guide By eZorkyna 3,239 Views 0 Comments
3,239 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author eZorkyna Kayle Build Guide By eZorkyna Updated on August 4, 2016
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When choosing which runes you want to use when playing Kayle, you should be thinking about what items you would build that gives cooldown reduction. When building on-hit damage items, your only item that gives you CDR will be Nashor's Tooth. In this situation you would want a runepage with 20% scaling CDR (1 quint and 9 glyphs). If you think you are going to build either a Lich Bane, Abyssal Scepter or Zhonya's Hourglass, you should consider changing up the runes so that you have 10% scaling CDR (6 glyphs). When you only need 10% CDR from runes, you should consider using either 3 scaling AP glyphs or 3 magic resist glyphs, and you should in this situation have 3 attack speed quints or 2 attack speed quints and 1 AP / scaling AP quint.
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In most situations you should take Fervor of Battle as your keystone mastery. However, there are one exception: if the enemy team have 4+ squishies, you should consider going Stormraider's Surge for the increased movement speed. In this situation you wouldn't be able to stack Fervor of Battle effectively, and Stormraider's Surge will allow you to kite and dodge spells easier (Stormraider's Surge will also proc more easily off of squishier targets, as they are, well, squishy). However, if they have 4 squishies, but their toplaner is a tank, you should go Fervor of Battle.
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Kayle's main source of damage is her autoattacks while her E is active, so maxing this ability first will usually grant more pressure in lane than maxing Q would. When deciding what to max 2nd, you should take into consideration several things: is the enemy toplaner slippery? Does he have a lot of damage? Does he poke you a lot? If he's slippery, you should go on maxing Q 2nd, but otherwise you will probably be better off maxing W 2nd. The CD on your Q does not go down with ranks, but your W will. Both spells can be used for chasing and escaping (Q better for chasing one target, W better for chasing multiple targets and escaping). W is overall a better choice to level up than Q is.
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Items (on-hit) (superior build)

1. Berserker's Greaves

2. Nashor's Tooth
1. Stinger
2. Fiendish Codex

3. Guinsoo's Rageblade
1. Pickaxe
2. Blasting Wand
3. Recurve Bow

4. Wit's End
1. Recurve Bow
2. Dagger
3. Negatron Cloak

5. Runaan's Hurricane
1. Recurve Bow
2. Zeal

6. Void Staff
1. Blasting Wand
2. Amplifying Tome
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Items (mage)

1. Nashor's Tooth
1. Stinger
2. Fiendish Codex

2. Sorcerer's Shoes

3. Guinsoo's Rageblade
1. Pickaxe
2. Blasting Wand
3. Recurve Bow

4. Lich Bane
1. Sheen
2. Aether Wisp
3. Blasting Wand

5. Void Staff
1. Blasting Wand
2. Amplifying Tome

6. Rabadon's Deathcap
1. Needlessly Large Rod
2. Blasting Wand
3. Amplifying Tome
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Additional information for burst-Kayle (mage build)

Keystone mastery: Thunderlord's Decree

3 AP quints
3 scaling AP glyphs
6 scaling CDR glyphs
9 magic penetration marks
9 scaling HP seals

Skill order
Max Q first, followed by E, then W.
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