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Ability Order
Divine Ascent (PASSIVE)
Kayle Passive Ability

I decided to try my hand at a build my friend gave me! This build got me my first pentakill ever it was fun... It is better late game but trust me it is worth it.
I do not play Ranked yet, but I went 33/16 in a game once!
In another game I jungled and went 25/4:
Score Card
Blue Team | K | D | A | CS |
In another game I jungled and went 25/4:
Score Card
Purple Team | K | D | A | CS |
When going into teamfights you want to activate your E and then poke the enemies and then W low health people at random. Ult your ADC when they are close to dying as it is the best choice. Use your Q when you are chasing and want to do some damage in case of catching up. Don't steal kills if you can help when you have almost full build because your carry needs it more than you. You can also ult your tank as he engages so he doesn't die as fast.
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