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Kayle Build Guide by guydeSC

Kayle, use splash attack!

Kayle, use splash attack!

Updated on May 6, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author guydeSC Build Guide By guydeSC 1,638 Views 0 Comments
1,638 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author guydeSC Kayle Build Guide By guydeSC Updated on May 6, 2012
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Hello everyone, this is guydesc, or Slayeradin in game. This is the first guide I have every created on mobafire. Though, I have made a few private "guides" for my friends, and I would finally like to do a public guide. You may ask, "Why Kayle?" Good question. Kayle, you get a free skin for her, yet she is underplayed. Kayle's E ability, Righteous Fury, makes her a ranged champion for a short amount of time, and it deals Attack Damage and Ability Power to the target, allowing you to kill mostly anyone. Moving on!
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Pros / Cons

Pros :
Her E can kill any champion, as it is hybrid.
Spammable Slow
Spammable Speed Boost/Heal
Can't die(Broken Ult)

Cons :
Not commonly known champ.
Squishy until level 6.
Takes many carry kills.
Get a lot of flak for being "op"
I make her look like magikarp.
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Mastery Explaining.

Kayle can be played as an AD, an AP, or commonly Hybrid. I took Brute Force AND Mental Force , so we can play her as a Hybrid champion.

Alacrity . We need this mastery to get off those needed hits onto those pesky carries.

Every champion has their own little way of returning their health points, weather it be Life Steal, Spell vamp, or a healing spell. Well, Vampirism and Transmutation allow you to have all three of those life-returning-traits.
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Summoner Spells

I chose Ghost and flash, because they are very well escaping mechanisms for any champion, and also you can use them both aggressively. [Ghost] to flee or chase, and [Flash] to get over a small wall, or just to get a final shot in. Do not be an idiot and use these in your base just to get out of it quicker.

Other Great Spells

Heal is a well spell to go with he heal she has equipped with her. If flash or ghost were removed from the game, heal would be my second choice.

Ignite is used to get that guy that always make it out with under 20 health and/or Tryndamrere.

Exhaust goes well with Kayle's Q. Endless slow. For sure a kill if they are alone or overextending.
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Skill Sequence

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Situational Items

This is the recommended item for Kayle. I guess it could work if they have squish on the same lane as you, or you spam abilities like a dumb, and think you are having mana problems, but Amplifying Tomb gives you more Ability Power, AND you get a potion.

Teemo fed the carry? Getting two-shotted? Have no fear, thornmail makes that fed carry kill their selves. Thornmail gives you also, a giant +100 armor bonus.

I put this here for teh lolz. More splash to splash on the splash. Why not?

Getting epicly owned by an AP carry? Buy a Banshee's Veil. This can save you from a stun, a karthus ulty(So can broken ult), and much more. Though it can be broken by dumb things. Such as a riven bunny jump.
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Everyone, don't vote up or down the guide if you have not read the entire thing. It will make me dearly happy. I do want criticism. I will change it, if it makes sense. Thank you all that will read this.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author guydeSC
guydeSC Kayle Guide
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Kayle, use splash attack!

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