She just perma splitpushes. I would recommend going phase rush rune in case you get hit by e. Most important thing against illaoi is to get her behind as much as possible and avoid teamfighting. This means matching her in sidelanes and always trying to get first base/move.
credit to xPetu for making the video explaining how to deal with illaoi.
Skill Matchup. If you can outspace his q, then it is easy.
Easy in early-mid game. Lategame is impossible to play. You need to dodge his q's and watchout for ganks.
Nothing she can really do to you. I would recommend taking ignite so that you do not misplay and can punish her for taking bad trades. Outspace her w and e with ur e.
Out space his e and you'er fine. Nothing he can do to hurt you.
Dr. Mundo
Aids if you get hit by his q's. Same thing with aatrox. Take ignite to get the heal cut for his ult. Go Conqueror runes.
Unplayable matchup for him
Can't kill you, but you can't kill him either. Depends on whichever team is better.
Take Ignite and you will be fine. Get oblivion orb asap.
Boring lane.
Just make sure to save e for her ult slow and space out her q and e combo.
Go the conqueror runes(you can switch to leathal tempo if you want) and nuguri build and you will be fine. I recommend going ignite and getting oblivion orb into alternator and then going boots instead of rushing alternator.
He legit cannot do anything to you. The only thing you have to know against jax is how to proc insta stun so you don't get punished when he q e onto you. Insta stun if basically where u q+w him during his jump to you and using e when he hits you. Use this time window to trade autos against him.
Nuguri demonstrates how this matchup works in this video.
Just be careful not to get poked out by his e+q in cannon form. You can also insta stun him if he goes for q in hammer form. I would recommend taking phase rush to make trades easier.
Nuguri demonstrates how to play against jayce in this video
As aids of a champ as ksante is, he can't do anything against kennen.
The main mistake I see people do against kled is fighting him when he has passive up. Kled's main source of damage is from his q and w. The thing that you have to realize is that kled's passive is on a 30 second cd that does not get affected by ability haste. This means that you should be able to punish him at a time where he is unable to remount.
Trade patterns:
when he q+e you, use e to get away and then start hitting him
all in when his passive is on cd.
It's not that hard tbh
I actually hate tanks btw. Malphite and Yorick are your 2 perma bans. Tbh malphite is probably worse than yorick.
Only good once she hits level 11, but by that time you've already won the game.
Stupid champ btw. Take advantage of early levels (1-5). Get qss asap because you don't have any escape once he ults you. In teamfights try to kill everyone so you can 5v1 this guy. U don't do damage to him after sometime.
take ignite and bully the hell out of this guy. I would take either first strike or lethal tempo against him. Phase rush is another viable option in case he uses wither.
This champ is aids, but u don't have any trouble laning against him. Take conqueror or phase rush in case you make a mistake.
Go conqueror+nuguri build and its free
Space his w and you insta win. The guy isn't spearshot, he can't do anything to you.
Not a common top pick, but some people play this. Same as the gragas matchup in the sense that it is stale mate.
Hes really op right now, but you can still bully him out of lane with lethal tempo. Get oblivion orb asap
Take lethal tempo and she can't lane against you.
Go electrocute. Play safe until 6 and all in her. If she uses e on you, use e to get distance and then trade with her.
Tip: If she uses q on you, use q on her and spam w to tell where she is when you are blinded.
Play around his overheating. Save e for when he overheats. When he overheats, you can use e to outspace him.
Same thing as darius. Outspace his e and he cannot do anything to you.
Just play for scaling. Shen isn't going to lane against you. Punish him for ulting teammates and play to 1v9 the game with the resources you have.
Hes gonna int and die.
int and die. Make sure that you take conqueror and go nuguri build. This is the only way that you are going to be able to kill tanks.
LMAO. This is free matchup. Just play for 6 and then one shot this guy.
Space his e and make sure that you are good at procing insta stun.
Hard matchup. You are dead if you get hit by his e.
Even matchup. The fights will basically always end with the two of you low hp no matter what trading pattern you do. My one tip against vlad is that you should insa ult after he comes out of his w.
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