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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Nidalee Passive Ability
The items shown are basically for max penetration for your spears. You may be a glass cannon but you don't need to be anywhere near the fight. I intentionally left out the 6th item as you could build anything here, rylais, abyssal even mejaiis, its completely circumstantial. You can build just about anything on nidalee and it would work.
Max the spear first, for the poke, and the sheer joy of one shotting people. get cougar as soon as possible, as it is only amazingly strong early. Next spell to max is Primal surge/ swipe, This is the main form of Nidalees sustain and also does decent damage in cougar form and is great for farming. last of all is bushwhack, although it is the skill you generally level at level 1, i only do this if i need to be defensive or have to give a strong leash for the jungler.
When you throw your spear, run away from the target because this makes them take more damage (over the 250% specified)
When in cougar form try to pounce in, land swipe then q because it does more damage when the target has low health.
If you are being chased run through any bush that isn't too far out of the way as it gives you an amazing movement speed buff, another escape is that Pounce can jump quite a few walls WARNING: pounce is VERY easily screwed up by path finding, so i reccomend practising jumps prior to using them in a life and death situation, and don't use walls that you can't jump 90% of the time as they often seal your fate.
Bushwhack gives vision when placed, consider using this before a blind spear if available.
When in cougar form try to pounce in, land swipe then q because it does more damage when the target has low health.
If you are being chased run through any bush that isn't too far out of the way as it gives you an amazing movement speed buff, another escape is that Pounce can jump quite a few walls WARNING: pounce is VERY easily screwed up by path finding, so i reccomend practising jumps prior to using them in a life and death situation, and don't use walls that you can't jump 90% of the time as they often seal your fate.
Bushwhack gives vision when placed, consider using this before a blind spear if available.
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