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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by NinjaPanda



Updated on February 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NinjaPanda Build Guide By NinjaPanda 3,087 Views 0 Comments
3,087 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NinjaPanda Dr. Mundo Build Guide By NinjaPanda Updated on February 9, 2012
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Hello everyone, this is my build for Dr.Mundo showing you noobs how to REALLY play him. Some people plays Mundo as a beefy champion who stays in the middle of the fight with their burning agony on and throwing axes. But im here to tell you that's fcking ******ed. you are obviously meant to dps them down and use ur axe to ks those stupid carries who think they're so good even though it's only because their op.
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Skill Sequence

I put 15 points on [infected cleaver] and grabbing ultimate whenever possible. This is because your axe, at late game will be doing about 5k, therefore it is obvious you get as much points on it as possible, unelss you were extremely ******ed and putting points on burning agony.
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Farming is a extremely important phase in early game laning. NOTE: BE SURE TO KS THE FARM EVEN IF YOUR LANING PARTNER IS A CARRY.
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Unique Skills

Dr mundo is a very unique character, because he goes where he pleases. As you play mundo, you have to remember that you are not in control of him, because he's boss and goes where he pleases. So dont think the game is glitched when Mundo goes off soloing baron and level 1 or when he fountain dive a noob (but that's the obvious thing you would do)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NinjaPanda
NinjaPanda Dr. Mundo Guide
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