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Lee Sin Build Guide by Kazuo Murasaki

Jungle Lee Sin Jungle Main S14 Guide

Jungle Lee Sin Jungle Main S14 Guide

Updated on March 11, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kazuo Murasaki Build Guide By Kazuo Murasaki 25 3 63,005 Views 2 Comments
25 3 63,005 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Kazuo Murasaki Lee Sin Build Guide By Kazuo Murasaki Updated on March 11, 2024
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Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Relentless Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Champion Build Guide

Lee Sin Jungle Main S14 Guide

By Kazuo Murasaki

Running Conqueror as our Main Rune having Domination with Sudden Impact and Relentless Hunter in your Secondary Tree. We want Conqueror since how fast Lee Sin can reach 12 stacks granting great dueling potential with Damage and Sustain.

Looking at our First Rune Tree We want to use Legend: Alacrity over Legend: Tenacity because Lee Sin wants to weave in Auto attacks inside of his abilites in the intrest of his Passive Flurry, Thereby we will always have plenty of energy. We take Coup de Grace for good synergy with our Execute Damage on Q2 Resonating Strike and our Eclipse.

With Domination as our Secondary Rune Tree we Take Sudden Impact since we have dashes on our Q2 Resonating Strike + our W1 Safeguard so we can dish out strong Damage on weaker foes.
With Relentless Hunter we will be able to move around the map with greater effect to snowball our leads and gank and rotate to objetives quickly.

Choosing your Smite

We take Red Smite for Dueling power. Because once completed it will Provide us with %HP True damage when smiting an Enemy, which goes Great with our Q2 Resonating Strike; and Slows the Enemy, which pairs with our E2 Cripple.
We take Blue Smite for Mobility moving through bushes quicker. This Smite is good for when we want even more mobility which pairs good with our Rune Relentless Hunter.

First Base Purchase

Great First Epic Item pickup providing AD and CDR that also goes to our First Core Item Eclipse. If we have enough gold we should also get a Control Ward for a total cost of 1175G.

Core Items

This is a fantastic item for our early game pressure! For only 2800G it Gives us AD and AH with a great Passive doing %HP Damage that pairs with our Q2 Resonating Strike and Coup de Grace. These are the Best Boots to get because we want to have as much CDR as we can, plus we get some Summoner Spell Cooldown. Our Final Core Item we want providing us with solid stats of AD, CDR, and HP with a very effective Passive which helps shed the Armor of our Enemys for ourselves and for our teamates. Ontop of that we also gain some movement speed giving us more mobility.

if facing Heavy CC or AP buying Mercury's Treads is good.
if facing Heavy AA based Champions or AD then buying Plated Steelcaps is good.

Why no Hydra?

Situational Items.

Good survivability and sustain for later into the game. We only need to buy this if we are facing Zero AP Champions therfore this Item will replace our Maw of Malmortius.

GA is a great Item for later into the Game to Survive otherwise Fatal Damage. Generally we dont need this Item if we play smart.
we should consider this item later as a alternative 5th or 6th Item if we are facing lots of AP and need more MR.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Kazuo Murasaki
Kazuo Murasaki Lee Sin Guide
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Lee Sin Jungle Main S14 Guide

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