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Leona Build Guide by kless

Leona testosterone level high

Leona testosterone level high

Updated on July 16, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kless Build Guide By kless 3,993 Views 0 Comments
3,993 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author kless Leona Build Guide By kless Updated on July 16, 2011
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Leona is the man ( just saying so first girl tank in the league of legends) that has the amazing abilty to tank the whole enemy team to show who is boss. She needs a good teamplay to show her big potential. Well if you like tanks that acutally can tank really awesome than i say this is your man ( i know ). Hope you like this Guid my english is not very good. Tryed to do my best. This Build worked amazing for me hope you enjoy it and please give me some feedback to work on myself too. Have fun.

Spotlight :
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Pros / Cons

- Amazing Tank :
- Takes a lot of damage
- Has a lot of CC
- Can start Teamfights very well
- Can controle the whole teamfight
- Mid and Late game Domination
- First Gilry Tank that is played like a real man

- BUT :
- not good enough if played with ap
- does not a lot of damage
- high CD
- there are other good tanks
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I try to have everything at the begining thats why i take some amore, magic resist and live. You never know your team thats why i find this is the perfect case.

Well i think live is nothing to do wrong with. But if you want you can just stack on amore too.

Amore is important against strong AD Champions

You all know heavy magic damage its good to start with enough live, amore and magic resist at the begining
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Just one thing Tank. Not much more. Spend your points in the Tank tree and if you like you can spend the last points for some extra damage in your offense tree or you like to have a better regeneration take the utility tree.

Do not play AP Leona! Do not think about it at the moment!
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Always good to Escape or to start your teamfight if your is on CD.

You will run! Try to stun the worst champions but you are looww. Not at this moment. Ghost and and your Face Goddammit.

Extra Damage is never wrong.

I like this Summary much. But i think you have already too much controle with your skills about the enemy.

if you want to play on the save side than try this. if you are focused it will help you a lot

In my opinion that are the best summaries you can use for this tank. I dont think you need Mana or Heal or something like that.
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Skill Sequence

Every normal guy loves sunlight. Some extra Damage for your Team. Fits well with your other abilitys. Its like an ability from Lux for your Team and not just for yourself.

Activate that little Stun and hit the enemy.This can be really important. Try to save you team with this. Use it to protect your teamm8 that is focused or on some big ultys like Nunu has.

More Amore more MagicResist with some Damage. If you are going to have a fight use this bevore to hit with your next attack.

Teleport. Some Damage. Well with an extra CC you will make the last enemy for a short time unable to fight. If right timed you can use it with focus.
Your Teleport that

Love it. AOE Stun or slow if you want or do not hit or something like that.
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: Really really good item too. Good against a lot of AD Champions. If you like this item much more than i do than switch it with

With my item build you will have enough amore but sure if they have a lot of Magic Damage in the Team you will not stack that much amore. There are other good Magic resist items you will find. Im just saying you cant do much wrong buy what you like too. Just for example.

: If they try to hold you down
: Good for your Team and you have already not that high damage
: Cool item with a good Damage boost.
: I dont like this much but if you are unstoppable you will not need this.
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Jungling and Farming

Farming is not that bad. Its not that good at the begining and starts to become better in mid-late game. Use your for Aoe Farming and than hit them right after. We all know how important it is to last hit.

Jungling i tryed it but in my opinion its rally heavy. Acutally she can junggle but really bad. It needs a lot of time and you cant beat an enemy that ganks you. Just play save on the lanes.
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Team Work

Dont can describe it thats why i tell you guys you have to learn it. Play her a lot and you will know when you will need the right stuns after a stun and a aoe stun and some cd and after that stun and and and.
You will learn how to protect your m8. It s not that easy but thats what a tank has to learn.
If your playing with some Idiots than will god bless you because your stuns will not have that awesome potential efect it should have been. Play with Wards and with Brain and you will shuffle the hell out of them.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author kless
kless Leona Guide
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Leona testosterone level high

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