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Recommended Items
Runes: Briar (Sustain)
+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health
Gustwalker Smite
Ability Order Briar Toplane
Crimson Curse (PASSIVE)
Briar Passive Ability
Crimson Curse (PASSIVE)
Briar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Pretty chill to 1v1 just try dodge his Q's when he trys lol
Try to bait out her E before using abilities because you tend to walk in a straight line when using W and are prone to stuns
Has a lot of mobility and can get away easily her W gets rid of your W don't chase her down you won't catch her 80% of the time
His E makes it really annoying to gank him but if you wait in a brush for him to use it then you can easily gank him ezpz
Annoying because of all his stuns being able to waste your W but with the Q armor reduction he should be fairly easy to 1v1
STUNS GALORE/ Tibbers and Q4/W4
Depends on what guns he has if he has Urple it makes it a little bit of an issue but if not he should be an easy gank
Ashe can out kite you pretty well but if you come from the back, you can kill her pretty easily
Aurelion Sol
Annoying because he beams you but easy to run down unless he flies away in that case hold your E to get out of your W
Baloney Champ until she gets nerfed again
he has a pretty good escape but unless he's faker you should be able to kill him pretty well just don't get shuffled
Pretty annoying because all the dashes try to hold E for her E and try to time it for maximum damage
Annoying ash just don't even Gank him at all unless you know he has no Q
Baloney Champ #2 hate brand mains
Pretty easy to kill
"You're so cute I have to eat you!"
if you land an R and or chase after her with W she can easily place a trap to catch you in it and get away, so you have to be smart when ganking her
Be careful of her shield and do your best to wait it out and respect her stuns and true damage
Be careful of her level 6 and using W try to play around it I would bring ghost because of her Q range
dodge Q's the best you can and keep poking him down w W,Q,E be careful of his R
you're done for he lands one R you explode and die irl perma ban corki if you wanna rank up
Annoying bring ignite and do your best to bully him before level 6 when he turns into a real champion
Pretty easy to play into try not to get poked by her Q as best as you can respect her level 6 because of the power of it
Dr. Mundo
Bring Ignite for when he ults and don't let bro run away
Big Damage try to not play into bro
Pretty hard match up have to play around his Ult to not get hit with alot of damage
press W and Q and press E when she jumps in the sky and you see her coming down
be careful and run away when she W's because after that if she has a brain you're dead
His E is his only escape from you go Chomp him and kill him
Scary scarecrow check brushes
Annoying to play into try not to fight unless they suck
If you W he will E 100% fish is going to be shaking in his fins
Annoying but bros an AP tank lmao and he does damage wild I know
He can cleanse your stun and poke you with crazy damage because again you walk in a straight-line W so try not to fight him in early levels
Bro wins every part of the game don't even try his Q silences and his W gives shield and on top of that he's fast
pokes pretty well be careful when he gets full rage meter try not to fight him when his 80%+
You should win level 3 unless he outplays you crazy like
His W is annoying and because you're a melee and he will make sure you eat lead
you're going to be right in front of her face thanks to your W so be ready to tank some true damage and she can dodge your R so don't really try
Really fast better take him down fast after you Q him or he's going to run away
Don't gank or fight at all your W will attach onto his turrets and will get shredded
Easy fight watch out for his E-Q/W/E + his ult however he does have range on you
Good Luck just don't fight her
Don't let her get 4 stacks and you should be able to trade with her just fine
He's a tree bro
She's a support :skull: only problem is Q and R
Jarvan IV
Pretty big damage but if he R's you he can't run away so it should be an easy win unless he out stat checks you
Wait for his E to be off cooldown then try and engage without his E being down you will never win the fight try to be careful around level 6 and sheen powerspikes
Good Jayce will stomp you lol idk nobody plays him for me to know
Pretty easy gank if you don't get out damaged or hit with W stun don't run at him if he is fed the games an even fight until late game
Don't let her kite you play into her like you would any other ADC if she is excited try not to engage because of the buff she gets it would just be wasted time half the time
A good K'Sante will probably not fight you and wait for a gank try to be safe when laning against him and when trying to gank him don't get kidnapped
Num Nums ez food
Her entire kit is for kiting you can bully her early game when her autos are slow, so she doesn't snowball
Too much healing and damage a little silly but she's bite sized so you should be fine
You can bully him in his jungle early game if you are confident try to bully him with invades as much as possible so he doesn't snowball
Don't gank he will just teleport away just leave bro in his lane
Be careful about her level 6 when she gets her range and ult try and bully her as much as possible because before level 6 she's barely a champ
Ez snack when he ults you charge your E so you take the least amount of damage and get some health back after that it should be an easy cleanup
Dodge his Q's and watch out for his stuns 1v1s wise and team fights try to shut him down before a teamfight be he will carry no matter the KDA or level
Don't 1v1 him at any point unless you are fed because of his passive you won't win a single 1v1 if you are isolated (Horrible in teamfights)
Simple chomp when she places ult stun her and take a bite and she should be dead, don't forget to take all of her stacks
Try to avoid fights because of his passive he will win the fight/trade half the time try and play for ganks and don't 1v1 unless you are confident you will win or are sure he doesnt have passive up/you can kill him before he procs it
Big Range but if you can get close to him he should be a simple bite try to W over a wall or ward hop to close the gap in between you and him
High poke easy escape be careful when playing into a LeBlanc see if you can land a W and poke her before she runs away before level 6 you can run her down when she only has one W if possible, sit on her W when she's fighting a different teammate for an easy kill
Lee Sin
If the lee sin has somewhat of a brain, he will outplay you but try your best to press W and Q him for an easy bite and don't let him get away with his ward hops
Heavy stun champ but if it's a 1v1 she's pretty easy to burst down and take a bite out of unless you get hit by every stun
Easy matchup when playing lethality her speed means nothing with your built-in dash and Q, jump on her and take a chomp
If she ults you then you can't do much but if she doesn't have it, you should be fine to pull out a fork and knife
Its only okay when Briar dashes at you pretty annoying but an easy bite try, and ward hop to close the gap when he dashes away
Can polymorph and hit you with knock-up so I wouldn't try tower diving this yordle try not to let her out speed you with W
Dodge Q and take a bite if she can't hit Q, she probably can't hit her ultimate
If he hits you with ult you kind of done for unless you have ultra instinct and charged E before hand
His shield can negate your Q stun and R so not an easy target especially with the 10-minute stun ult again would recommend tower diving because the stun timer (Night of Edge recommend for matchup)
BIG stuns but should be an easy kill don't forget to grab a toothpick
Master Yi
He can negate your Q and W with his abilities hard matchup to play into come out to CD timers and skill mostly try to hold W until he uses Q
Easy Snack if you're hungry stuns are annoying that's about it
Miss Fortune
Easy kill can slow you with W but that's it if you Ult and she ults better spam Q if not you're dead
Easy bite (Serpents Fang looks good here) if he ults its extremely easy to kill him because it's a 1v1 opposed to a 1v3 but he might kill you if you play bad enough
Q-R are the most annoying abilities with her E it makes it extremely difficult to kill her but again she's just as squishy as she looks go take a bite
Even matchup both assassins you just have a bit of sustain over her if she dashes at you use E to reduce damage on her follow up and then kill her and her dogs
Hope you like fish and chips
Don't Fight he will slow you and just press Q on you shut him down with perma ganks early DONT LET BRO SCALE. In lane you can poke him down easily using E to push him away and Q to reduce his armor for simple poke
Heavy stun champ extremely easy to go into and burst him down if he hits you with passive, he 100% won't be out of your Q range he's slow and decently immobile if he Q's away just leave him B
Simple Kill just don't be fooled by her clones when you see her ult pope your E and take 0 damage from it
Easy chomp unless you get hit with the spear with an unknown illness on it rarely will you meet a god tier nidalee so you should be fine
Annoying champ her R has jax E try not to fight her if she has that because you will lose in the end gank/engage when she doesn't have it for an easy kill (Built in dash/a little scary)
Will out stat check you if he has conqueror annoying to play into try not to fight him 1v1 unless you are up
Nunu & Willump
Easy kill just dont get jungle diffed he will be everywhere his most annoying ability is his R nothing else should trouble you
Don't fight at all your Q, E is useless don't fight him unless it's a 2v1 or is slow mentally
Don't hurt your teeth when you take a chomp easy kill
he can hurt you a bit hard to kill unless you have armor penetration have a fun lane
W point and click stun Briar if she had a true shield instead of a heal and 35% damage reduction annoying lane he will poke you down with W-Q-E and Q in lane don't engage him early because of his early game strength
Counters your entire kit with her E extremely unfun lane bait out E then you can rush her down for a bite sized snack
dodge his E and you should be fine if he can't land an E or a Q-E you run him down
Can get rid of your W when she goes into stealth other than that it should be a chill match up just don't get combo'd too hard with her stun/ult
Bird Up
annoying but if in lane easy chomp if ganking watch out for W/R don't tower dive because of heavy stuns
He will rush bramble I recommend waiting to press W after his W-E is gone then you should be able to win without his main shield if not and you use W and he Taunts you hope you had enough gold to make the reset worth it
The knock-up and healing is the main issue with Rek'sai but you out sustain her and when going lethality briar, you just kill her all together
R is semi annoying, but it pulls you in so kind of silly to pull in a briar stuns are annoying though added with her speed
Renata Glasc
Take a bite out of the grandma
Bring ignite if top lane annoying match up because of his healing but you should be able to kill the dumb alligator + Stun and 80 dashes
He will jump around can get out of your stun with empowered W use empowered E to waste your W if skilled enough can win a 1v1 against you
can stun you will win the 1v1 against you at all times in game don't try to fight her you WILL lose (Maybe)
Briar wins trades early game but watch his overheat meter whenever it starts to rise push him away with E so you don't get sent back to fountain, as long as you don't feed him early and don't let him roam team fights should be a stroll without any engage he is barely a champ his split pushes are horrible so don't need to worry about that.
Early game is easy he has a point and click stun and slow plus good wave clear easy to shut down early game and put pressure on him, late game he turns into a 1v9 machine so bully him out of lane with your poke and you should be ok but again he read the scroll, and you didn't
Samira has annoying poke with Q great combos whenever she dashes in rush her down and take a huge bite when she hits level 6 and she engages save Q for her R for an easy kill
You should be able to stat check her easily unless she CC chains you. Her dash (Q) can stun you out of your own Q so keep that in mind when engaging her other than that she's a 2-meal champ
Big Chomp one root one slow ezpz kill
Q has crazy damage E and R stuns and W gives speed be careful when going in you can tank the R easily if running her down
Save either W or Q (Ward hop) to get behind him when he presses W you can rush him level 3 if you are careful still does crazy damage so bring doran"s shield for top laning
Annoying clown it's a gamble with which one is the real one he can run away easily with his Q when using your W other than that simple you naturally out scale him so don't force a fight if not needed. Tasty Happy meals/them clown boxes
Can dodge autos and taunt you he is tanky and will bully you in lane if you don't use your cooldown timers correctly wait for him Q-W then press W and W2 then E to end the winning trade
if she has PTA you won't win early game if she's decent at the game she out scales you in terms of team fights but when it comes to overall fighting you should win every fight with her watch her meter and don't chase too hard when she has ult because it can turn the fight in a losing direction
losing fight never chase a singed don't even try to kill him unless without a doubt you know you will win, he WILL throw u over his shoulder and run away from you easily extremely hard and annoying to kill
Easy kill no brainer match up if you know what he does W out of charged Q you can ward hop out of ult if he trys to charge at you with ult simple skilled match up
Only issue is her spell shield that negates your Q after that easy 300G
They nerfed him into the ground save E for if you see him charging at you from the wall you can run him down easily just respect his E-R stuns
his E lets him make a gap between you and his Q slows that's about it if he doesn't have his execute yet you can chase him down easily
Hatsune Miku (You can E her R to negate the stun)
Purple Food
he is tanky and does a bunch of damage watch out for his stun and his ult if he has either congrats, you're fighting a yuumi easy kill
out sustains you if he hooks you then you just have to tank the entire combo (you can hold E to take less damage) after he uses his stuns run him down with your skillful W-Q combo
Don't let her farm she's going to get you with her splinters dodge her orbs (They Hurt) she can push you away from her so keep that in mind when chasing her down (Also has a stun with her knock back)
Tahm Kench
Don't fight the tank after first item/level 6 serpents fang won't help riot please nerf the catfish he is unkillable
Can easily burst you down with the big range advantage on Q's has a slow on her E and her W will stun you making you vulnerable if she's low and see's you she might use ult just so you don't get the kill (-Common Sense-)
Batman jumps over walls W's are decently short ranged fairly easy to dodge if not near any walls rush him down and when he gets to a wall and jumps over it use E to un-taunt yourself
Annoying Ult and charged stun easy to dodge with W annoying late game. Early game snack
Horrible lane put on YouTube of your second monitor because how snoozer it is he will blind you every time you try to engage and set up a wall of mushrooms so when you W it slows you wait for him to use his blind then engage if you can be sneaky and Q him from a brush should be an easy kill on the disgusting mole rat I hate this champ match up with all my being
He can't have your soul if you eat him
Nobody wins into a Tristana the champs that fair if you W at her she will most times do the same to get away if you're too close to killing her she will use R there doesn't seem like any winning situation unless you have enough willpower to chase her
Out stat checks you no matter what part of game nobody can beat the mayor of troll town good luck have fun don't int and don't let him split push (Bring TP)
easy kill don't fight level 1 after level 3 rush him down and E whenever you're in a pickle and need a get out free card level 6 is an issue when he gets his ult try and get him low enough to bait it out like you would in any other match up
Twisted Fate
Tobias Fate gold card is the only issue Ezpz lemon squeezy
Unless he's Rat IRL should be a simple kill (He probably doesn't taste very good)
Annoying you can never outrun him if you let him snowball its game over has a crazy stun, can outrun you, never chase him he will always get away in the long run don't let him out jungle you Good Luck dealing with him
Nothing to be said about the match up if he charges up his E charge yours in the opposite direction to him and push him away from you
Don't get one shot smile ---> :)
Edge of Night rush is very helpful in this match up for her knock back it helps with rushing her down nothing else to this match up play around brushes and when she gets close enough W-Q her and chase her down level 6 makes this riskier but before then you should always win the trade
Can E you and easily stack off you when you're rushing him down with W or when you R him be careful and play around his baby cages do not engage unless he has already used them, or you can tank his full combo easily
Tank his E-Q-W combo and eat the eyeball (unless he has ult be a little scared, hold Q if he does)
Anti dash champ (you have 2 dashes :skull:) Q hurts a bit and fears you, but you hurt more tank it and eat her if she R's you and tries to chase push the tiny yordle into the wall. Bite sized champ
You can watch her charge her Q sidestep it and all in her if she ults you, you can ALSO see it charge your E and take no damage from it and push her away
Only annoying thing about him is his W and E, his E can make you waste your W and his W can stun you and make him very annoying to fight but as with Vi you can see him charging his stun sidestep it (or W away) and kill him ezpz
Robotic Bite only issue is his cage just run him down for 300G
can use W to waste your W hard to chase down fight him when his W is down for and easy kill (Sustain is pretty even)
STORM UNLEASHED Don't trade with him if he chomps you too much you win level 3 but after he gets rod, he becomes very tanky and is annoying to kill
Skill match-up but neither of the champs take skill
Spin to win be careful when he does this hold your W till after he gets dizzy then rush him down if you get caught in it E as soon as you can and get him off of you
Her R can take you out of W and she can stun you easily but other then that if there's no towers chase her down
dodge the stun or tank it and kill him
Xin Zhao
Q3 is annoying because of knock-up easily can hold E to heal and tank you should win any 1v1 if played well enough be careful of his point and click engage when trying to disengage
Don't ult he will throw up his wall or E to minions and dodge it easy kill at all points of game his level 3 sucks compared to briars level 3 bully him early
Yasuo 2.0 he can Q3 away and is easier to hit with ult can't run away as well as yasuo
Don't let him put you in a cage if he does W out of it or just break it Q him and kill him be careful of his ghouls if you dodge it then easy kill. If left alone he will take nexus in one push at 10 minutes
He isn't as squishy as he looks has crazy disengage so save Q for when he tries to run away bring ignite if top lane remember he has a small amount of healing so just poking him down won't do anything
Hold E when in W if he tries to run away or if he ults you E close to a wall and as soon as you see him come in release it and throw him into a wall and full combo him
She might jump over a wall hold E if she does to un-taunt yourself other than that she does like 2 damage easy kill
Can run away/push you away with his W and slow you with his E extremely annoying to chase after when you get a hold of him you should be able to kill him extremely easily
he can stun you easily and slow you down extremely annoying champ to deal with as briar whenever he revives someone/himself charge E so they die again
Sleepy Trouble Bubble will be a little annoying but W away from it or sidestep it Not enough mobility to run away from briar if she overstays her welcome run her down and chomp
Dodge stun with W or sidestep it E her ult to tank it easily when you're close enough chase her down she is too squishy to tank any combo from you
Anyone with a hook is a great addition to the comp it makes sure most champs that could easily escape won't be able to get away easily
Any midlaner or toplaner with stuns is an amazing setup for a Gank (Common Sense)
Briar Comp is 1v9
Anyone with a hook is a great addition to the comp it makes sure most champs that could easily escape won't be able to get away easily
Any midlaner or toplaner with stuns is an amazing setup for a Gank (Common Sense)
Briar Comp is 1v9
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