I'd consider this a skill match up. It all depends on your ability to dodge his stuff. If you fail to dodge his abilites, he's gonna melt you quick. Anti heal or ignite is good to take. You could even consider ghost to help dodge his abilites.
DODGE HER E!!! Early game try not to eat too many q's for free, at least trade back with a q yourself. After 6, if she misses her E it should be an easy kill. Don't underestimate her though, she has incredibly high burst damage even when behind. Make sure if the wave is positioned away from your tower, pushing back to you, play back and respect her all in. The best time to kill her will be after 6 when your wave is pushing towards her.
AFK till 6. Go dorans shield and AFK until you get ult, Once you're 6, try your best to poke him down with E's if you can hit them. If you manage to hit him with an E, and hes low enough ult him,
Skill matchup. Camille will want to q to a minion then E onto a wall to get the true damage proc. The trick is to stay close to the center of the lane and make it more difficult for her to land it. After 6, don't q while shes ulting otherwise it'll miss. Ult her as soon as you can inside the Hextech Ultimatum. Wait till the last second to wake her up with W or Q on the edge to run away. Late game you have no chance vs her 1v1, play with the team. Do not ult her before she ults you otherwise she can cancel it with her ult and you'll be dead. Favors Camille if shes good.
Very simple matchup, just dodge his Q, kite him out and you'll be fine. Try to avoid getting hit by his E's if you can, they slow a lot and could get you killed.
Skill match up once again. Good spacing is key. I'd recommend taking ghost in this match up. Getting pulled in is a death sentence so you have to bait it out.
Dr. Mundo
Sorry but you don't have an ult in this match up. Stay behind minions don't eat free q's. Anti heal is good to have. At level 6 if you ult him make sure to pick up his canister on the ground so you'll at least do some damage and can deny the heal.
Depending on the Fiora, this can either be hell or somewhat beatable. Anti heal is good. Rush boots, too. Do not ult her at all she will W it and you might get stunned. The only time you can ult is if she wastes it. Very difficult matchup.
I haven't faced many good GP's but once again, you have no ult against GP. Let him push early and don't take too many free q's. It might be difficult to kill him unless he makes a huge mistake.
I'd recommend rushing Rylais in this match up, he can catch up very quickly with Q and once he's on you you're fucked. Perfect positioning is needed to beat him.
In mini gnar after 6 he literally stands 0 chance. After 6, if hes mega gnar, try to wait until hes mini gnar to ult or engage. If you fight him in mega gnar, you'll have to flash his ult or you'll get pinned and since you're so squishy you'll probably die quick.
You have to stand inside her mist when you ult her. If you're outside the mist and try to ult it wont register. Bring ignite or build anti heal, dodge her needles and its a pretty easy matchup.
Have fun AFK farming lol.
A good illaoi can make this somewhat difficult but for the most part, just dodge her E. If she ults don't stand inside near her tentacles. You can easily kite her down the lane because she's slow. Getting hit by an E is really bad. You're really squishy so you'll lose like 50% of your HP just from her destorying the spirit.
Levels 1 - 5 is your only chance to get a lead. Dodge her E and try your best to have good positioning and kite her as well. After 6, getting hit by her ult is just a death sentence. Rush your boots + Frozen Heart and try to flash her ult. You can kill her with good spacing and kiting if she doesn't have her ult but if she has it and she hits you, you're dead, just try to run away, unless you're really ahead. BORK is a massive spike for her, and she gets so much stronger with it, be careful!
Skill match up, favoring Jax if hes good enough. If you know you're not escaping his E range, W on the ground just before you get stunned to buffer W and you can return some damage back. He can jump onto you which is super annoying. It's difficult but if you play it well you can beat him.
So much damage plus ranged. Unless he makes a big mistake you probably can't kill him. Most the time you'll just be afk farming under tower, while he pokes you. Hope your jungler comes and its a free kill with your ult. Solo killing him is also not impossible, but hard if the Jayce is good.
She cannot even play the game pre 6. After 6, respect her range advantage but don't play completely at her mercy. If you find an angle to when shes low enough (The more experience you get the easier it'll be to know how much damage an ult combo can do), ult her, now if she ults just before she falls asleep, you can time it perfectly to where the second you W, her ult will run out and you'll hit her with the middle part of the W. She's super squishy. Late game if shes ahead, you probably can't 1v1 her.
Just play safe and respect until level 6. Poke with E's and if hes low enough, ult him and try to burst him down. You could also take electrocute to one shot him with ult WQ.
If he's on you, its very difficult to get him off due to his sticking power. I haven't played this match up much but if he get's onto you its pretty hard to shake him off.
Just keep Q spamming him. He can't do much. After 6, he'll probably just ult away when you ult him. Pretty much just a stalemate unless he makes a mistake.
If you can dodge his abilities this is a very easy match up. Once he ults you, just like Camille ult him straight away and wake him up at the last possible second, try to kite him with Q's and dodge his abilites. Another tip for this matchup, opt for more damage over getting your tier two boots because once you're in his ult, your move speed doesnt matter too much.
This used to be a pretty easy match up for Lillia but after the Q range buffs, it's a little harder to navigate. I'd recommend the Rylai's rush (Build found in the item section above). You have to have really good spacing and I'd even recommend bringing ghost to match his. Harass him early on, he can never kill you pre 6 unless you make a really bad mistake or get ganked. Boots of Swiftness rush is also a must.
You'll probably get camped when you're vs an Ornn and unless you flash it, it's very hard to dodge his ult. Don't stand near his q's when they're up. If hes a good ornn and knows the one shot combo, after u see that Q come out and he presses his R button, flash immediately. Getting caught on that Q will get you killed. Other than that, just spam poke him for free, get him low and hope he gets greedy. You also can't ult him if he has W up.
Brain dead W stun. He's also very squishy just like you. If you can ult him when he's low you'll have a good chance of bursting him down to death.
Just kite her out. Don't W her while her Steadfast Presence (W) otherwise you'll get grounded and it'll cancel it. Simple match up. Don't stand close to walls and kite her out and you'll be fine. A good Poppy will W just as they fall asleep so you may have to just settle for a Q rather than a W when she falls asleep.
If you wanna cheese her, bring electrocute. Play safe till 6. Poke with E's and if you land a few or get her at least 60% health there's a good chance ult WQ electrocute proc will instantly kill her, maybe one more Q will be needed but you could possible flash Q her if needed. Do not stand in her E range when you ult her, otherwise she can E while drowsy and you'll get slowed and may not be able to get the damage off. Another thing to keep in mind is that she can cancel your W with her vault. You can also bring Conq for the scaling but Electrocute does a tiny bit more damage in lane (It's mainly preference, test both out and see which one you prefer). Getting slowed by her E when you have 0 passive stacks is also very dangerous as she can just run you down pretty easily. I also recommend going sorc boots over Ionian boots so you can one shot her easier. Main take aways: Poke with E's and Q's while shes mispositioned in lane, when shes low enough, after hitting an E go for an all in and try to one shot.
Pain. Double dashes. Stun. Tanky af in ult. If you don't play this perfectly you will lose. Hope he makes a mistake. You can kill him, its just very difficult. He can burst you super quick. Bring bone plating and rush Frozen Heart. You can also bring ignite too. You won't win the early game but after frozen heart, you at least wont die instantly and can either fight or use that time to stack your passive and run away.
He's your worst nightmare. Just constant jumping on top of you which Lillia hates. If you manage to catch him out in the open you can kill him no problem. Or you can just perma shove him if he lets you so he can't get into the bushes and poke with Q and E as he tries to CS. Watch out for the jungler though,
Do not contest the wave level 1. Her 3 Q's can catch up to you really quick. Highly skilled match up in Riven's favor. If its a good Riven you probably won't win.
Haven't really faced many Rumble's before but he's super squishy, and don't underestimate the amount of damage he can put out.
It all comes down to mind games in this match up. You have to make him bait out his E. If he pulls you in its dangerous but if he can't pull you in he can't do much to you. Careful of his W damage though.
If you dodge his E this match up is a walk in the park. Dodging it can be hard though and he does a lot of damage with his Q. Pretty easy if you play it well but can also be rough if he plays it well.
You're both super speedy but in the end he can't catch you. Don't chase him or you might take too much damage from Q. Not much to say.
You can't ult him otherwise he just ults. A good Sion can mess you up. Its usually a stalemate but you have a slight advantage in the match up. Dodging his Q's can also be quite tricky. Building Rylais renders him completely useless unless he hits ult or flashes onto you.
Passive Tryndamere players are super easy to abuse. Bring Ghost in this match up to match his if you'd like. Aggressive Tryndameres are difficult though. The one way he beats you is if he is perma aggro on you. Building Rylais really helps to stop him sticking onto you. Honestly a skill match up, slightly favoring Tryndamere or you depending on the skill of each player.
Haven't faced many Sylas' but dodging his E is crucial. He has quite a bit of sticking power but kiting and swerving in and out dodging everything makes it pretty easy. Care in the early game, especially before you have your boots.
Tahm Kench
Stand behind minions. Don't eat free Q's. Try your best to juke his Q's when you're out in the open. He can easily get onto you with his W. Kiting him and dodging most of his Q's will result in an easy matchup but he still has the potential to mess you up if you're not careful.
Just play safe, sneak a few Q's and E's here and there and just burst him down with your ult at level 6 when he's about around about 55% HP. You can take electrocute or conq for the lane, electrocute does a little more damage but conq scales way better (It's mainly preference, test both out and see which one you prefer). If you don't one shot Teemo, he can kill you quite easily with his autos when all your abilites are on cool down. Main take aways: Poke with E's and Q's while hes mispositioned in lane, when hes low enough, after hitting an E go for an all in and try to one shot.
If you can kite him its super easy but if he manages to stick onto you, it can cause you some troubles.
Dodge his E and he doesn't stand a chance. Get hit by E and its most likely a death sentence. Always keep in mind he can flash E you.
Play safe till 6. Poke with E and try to land it. If you do, ult her and try to burst her down if she's low enough (Around about 60% HP). Don't get too close to her when she's drowsy. She might condemn you just before she sleeps and you may miss your chance to W her. If you don't insta kill her with ult theres a good chance she can turn it back herself and kill you. If she brings cleanse just AFK farm, you're not killing her. Electrocute is good for one shotting her in lane but conq scales way better (It's mainly preference, test both out and see which one you prefer), but no matter what rune you pick, its quite difficult to kill her in the late game unless you're really ahead, especially if she has a shieldbow. I also recommend going sorc boots over Ionian boots so you can one shot her easier. Main take aways: Poke with E's and Q's while shes mispositioned in lane, when shes low enough, after hitting an E go for an all in and try to one shot.
Not much to say. Try to kite his Q stun when hes running up to you. I'm 99% sure you can't ult him because he can go unstoppable in his ult for a second.
Bring anti heal and hope for the best.
He will constantly E onto you and his all in at level 6 is unmatched. He's killable but it won't be easy. Don't contest wave at level 1.
He can block your ult and can dash on top of you. Perfect positioning is needed if you want to kill him.
Yone is a bit easier than Yasuo. His abilities are more telegraphed. Skill matchup. He can cancel your ult with his E.
Getting trapped in W is a death sentence. At level 6 it's a 2v1. Hard match up. Beatable if you play it well.
She's really squishy. Bring Ignite if you'd like. Rush Boots first. She has immense sticking power but lacks a lot of damage. Flash her ult or you're screwed. When you ult her be careful because she'll try to ult you back to negate the drowsiness. It's all about the spacing and dodging of abilities.
Never faced Aurora but I imagine she's a huge pain.
Even if you play this perfectly, his ult is ridiculous. You have to dodge and space everything perfectly. You also don't have an ult vs him if he has W up, sorry.
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