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Well, first off, I'll just go ahead and change to tower damage.
Also, next time, could you provide something CONSTRUCTIVE to your review, instead of downvoting it over one ******* mastery point.
I have to say that this is not how I like to build Corki, but it doesnt mean its not a good way. Also I really like your rune set-up, The guide looks really nice and informative. Still not surw about the masteries though.
Anyway gj, very good guide :)
1) You don't need to list every item in a build for the final item. ie: Phage > Sheen > Zeal. The most you should have to list is: Phage > Sheen. Even then, I would have thought Sheen more important on Corki.
2) I think it's risky starting with such low health and no Doran's to back you up (even despite the fact you spec in the defence tree).
3) The date FAILS me.
4) Here:
+ Phenomenal poking power, amazing burst late game.
+ Not your standard AD Carry, you use more spells then right-clicking everything
5) Use the new embedding system. If you don't know what I mean, have a look at my guide about writing a guide.
6) In your Runes section, it'd be nice if you explained all the different runes you've chosen. Glyphs of Focus aren't bad either.
7) You could combine your Masteries and Runes section, as your Masteries section is pretty short. Also, embed.
8) At the end of your skills section there's a lot of random space. Also, at the end you could put your Skill Sequence.
9) Embed each item build into your item build sections.
+1 for the edits you said you were going to make.
+1 for the speedy reply ^^
Please don't hesitate in requesting a review again. I'll gladly go over any changes you decide to make :)