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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
Why NOT to go AD items? (in long-term)
There is NO effect for building attack speed and critic chance for your Voidling (that insect pet won't benefit much).
On the other hand, you can see the +% AP ratio is outstanding high, but NOT AD.
so, never never go AD in your item build !!
OP champion and OP Ultimat
=> absolute a kill for every gank.
=> Powerful in late game and teamfight
=> good backline protection if enemy have good assassin in teamfight
You want to carry a game
- AP output builds carry to win
Someone (noob) get your Mid-lane
- you can play AP carry now
You see all teammates (noobs) going all AD (or lack of AP output)
=> absolute a kill for every gank.
=> Powerful in late game and teamfight
=> good backline protection if enemy have good assassin in teamfight
You want to carry a game
- AP output builds carry to win
Someone (noob) get your Mid-lane
- you can play AP carry now
You see all teammates (noobs) going all AD (or lack of AP output)
+ Guarantee success gank if Ult can place + outstanding player use it can carry the game + Good protection to ADC in team fight. + |
+ Malzhar jungle need good skills (don't let your pet die too early) + Mana hungry and needs to caution anti-jungle. + In a lose game, easy to be blamed by others (by noob teammates) |
Item Sequence
Ranger's Trailblazer - Runeglaive
Sorcerer's Shoes
Zhonya's Hourglass
Of course, AP carry needs Magic penetration. But it can be upgraded after zhonya's hourglass |
Malzhar is squishy, as a squishy jungler, better to have armor. Also, malzahar needs AP, therefore, i perfer hourglass for third item |
Team fight time, AP carry suppose to sit back and poke. you always face tank enemy instead of backlines in normal case. Magic Peneration is more important |
For a carry (AD or AP), Fifth item is defensive is crucial because somethimes your taemmate cannot protect you so much and your needs some defense |
good item for increase damage, but the 6th item is seldom getting |
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