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Lucian Build Guide by lol_JinxU92

ADC lucian adc build!!!!!

ADC lucian adc build!!!!!

Updated on December 5, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lol_JinxU92 Build Guide By lol_JinxU92 9,095 Views 0 Comments
9,095 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lol_JinxU92 Lucian Build Guide By lol_JinxU92 Updated on December 5, 2021
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Runes: Best Runes

First Strike
Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


summoner spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

lucian adc build!!!!!

By lol_JinxU92
who to ban
always ban teemo his blind shot makes it to hard to use your passive or even to play for some reason people have started to play him adc/support and tell your support to yuumi late game yuumis heal can really screw you. but if your support is playing yuumi ask them to ban soraka because sorakas ult heals the whole team so you might be ble to get a pentakill but the enemy soraka ults then heals and now your dead.
you want a healer on your team best are soraka sona and yuumi you my be thinking "but dosnt that go against what you just said about banning them" noif your support wants to play one of them let them the heals are great sona is the best one tho she helps you chaise them down gives heals and makes your next auto do more damage so if your support asked you if they should play soraka yuumi or sona pick sona she helps in game alot.
lucians passive
lucians passive is lightslinger when ever you use an ability it recharges allowing you to shoot two shots at onceits very usefull for getting kills chaising and in some cases stealing kills from your teammates if you use this wisley you can get very fed from it.
lucians Q
lucians Q is piercing light early game that can help you poke i some times use it to kill a group of minions at level 6 (depending on who your support is if your support can heal or shield level 4) blinding light is the first thing you want to max out because it helps you get alott of kills early and late and doed the most damge out of Q W E.
lucians W
lucians W is ardent blaze it shoots a star if it hits an enemy or if it goes max range as lucian you will be wanting to do that to poke or to damage being since its Ap and this build is Ad it will be doing the least amount of damage other then your E because your E is just a dash so back to your W you want to shoot it for a kill only if you know it will kill them.
lucians E
lucians E is relentless pursuit he dashes recharching his passive I like to use it to chase down kills very usefull when your about to get a kill or to get away from death its very usefull and this is what makes him so hard to kill you can use it with your ult for alot of kills.
lucians ult
lucians ult is the culling it shoots 27 shots depending on your crit chance every 25 crit chance adds another bullet it very strong and will get you alot of kill kills if ou use it right you can use it to get them low then finnish them off with a Q or you can just kill them helps with chaising for kills.
lucian combos
as lucian combos really matter so one of them you can do is E Q R for a kill or E auto Q auto W auto for another kill. i like to auto q auto to cc faster so they enemy adc dosnt get ahead inb cs.
check out my lucian mid build!
lucian mid is very strong i main him mid and adc you should try my lucian mid build if you want to try him you judt dont like adc. go here for my lucian mid build
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